The SAW project is dedicated to contexualizing mathematical sources that have come down to us from the ancient world, and specifically though not exclusively, to those produced in Mesopotamia, China, and the Indian sub-continent. This project was funded by the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)/ERC Grant Agreement No. 269804. Detailed project in English, en français. Achievements of the project are described here.
Seminar HSHT 2019-2020 Mark the dates! |
Seminar Reading mathematical texts 2019-2020 | Groupe de lecture de textes mathématiques cunéiformes 2019-2020 |
A brief summary of the achievements of the SAW project is now available here or in a pdf version
A Springer new book series “Why the Sciences of the Ancient World Matter” has been created for the forthcoming SAW books. Read more |
Paris — 12 may 2020 HPM seminar Mathematics and Mathematicians from USSR in international contexts |
March 2020
New SAW publication Springer Series |
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De 7 à 107 ans, le charme des mathématiques anciennes From age 7 to 107, our bilingual page le charme des mathématiques anciennes |
Seminars 2011-2016. | Workshops 2011-2016 | Conferences 2011-2016 |