Category Archives: PhD/post-docs

Three doctoral or post-doctoral scholarships 2013

Note that the deadline for the following application: “Ancient mathematics in secondary schools: issues, current practices and new perspectives” has been extended to September 16, 2013 (in English, in French).

SAW launches
three calls for applications related to PhD and/or post-doctoral positions.

The topics of these calls are, respectively,
– Mathematical practices in the context of astral sciences in ancient China
– The history of mathematics in relation to astral sciences—ancient and medieval Indian sources
– Ancient mathematics in secondary schools: issues, current practices and new perspectives

The deadline for applications is: June 21, 2013. More information can be found in the following documents:

  • Mathematical practices in the context of astral sciences in ancient China: in English, in French
  • The history of mathematics in relation to astral sciences—ancient and medieval Indian sources: in English, in French
  • Ancient mathematics in secondary schools: issues, current practices and new perspectives: : in English, in French. (deadline extended)

Two PhD students joining the SAW project in September 2012

Warm welcome to two PhD students who join the SAW project in September 2012.

Magali Dessagnes will be working, under supervision of Christine Proust, on history of collection of Mesopotamian sources. Magali has studied history, archeology, and history of science in Paris.

Alessandra Petrocchi will be doing her research project in history of mathematics in ancient and medieval Indic sources related to administrative contexts, under supervision of Agathe Keller. Alessandra has studied in Urbino, Bologna, and Cambridge.

The two new PhD students have something in common: they both did Ancient Greek and Latin at school, and both are accomplished musicians. Welcome to the team, Alessandra and Magali!

Doctoral and postdoctoral projects

Doctoral and postdoctoral research on topics related to the SAW project thematics is an integral part of our work.

In summer 2011, the SAW project advertised two scholarships: a doctoral scholarship in cuneiform mathematics related to administrative contexts (see call for applicationsappel d’offre) and a post-doctoral scholarship in mathematics and astronomy in  ancient China ( call for applicationsappel d’offre). Two young scholars were recruited: Robert Middeke-Conlin, who is interested in the mathematics for administrative purposes in the Old Babylonian period, and Zhu Yiwen, who works on Chinese sources.

In spring 2012, the SAW project advertised two doctoral scholarships: in history of mathematics in ancient and medieval Indic sources related to administrative contexts ( call for applicationsappel d’offre), and in history of archives, libraries, and collections linked to Mesopotamian sources and their use by historians ( call for applicationsappel d’offre).