Resources conferences & seminars

Here are gathered the resources  – abstracts, handouts, presentations, introductions – from SAW project’s events, as well as papers given by SAW team members at external events.


Abgrall Philippe
♦ Le recours au théorème des sinus pour résoudre certains problèmes liés à l’astrolabe, par Ibn ‘Irāq , Abstract, seminar HPM, February 9, 2015
Alivernini Sergio
♦ The mathematical knowledge during the 3rd dynasty of Ur in the light of land surveying texts: Measurement techniques and officials in charge,  Abstract, seminar HMHEFP, May 11, 2012
Arrault Alain
♦ Calendars, hemerological calculations, manuals of calendar annotations in China,  Abstract, seminar MPAS, December 19, 2014

B –
Beaulieu Paul-Alain
Cross-fertilization between Greek and Babylonian Thought in Seleucid Uruk,  Abstract, conference Uruk, March 24, 2015
Benes Tuska
Mathematics after the Linguistic Turn of the Early Nineteenth Century: Three Frameworks, Abstract, seminar HSHT, February 11, 2016
Berthold Cornelius
Contradicting classical stemmatology? The probably oldest copy of the Kitab al-Zina and its many mistakes, Abstract, conference Mistakes, May 2, 2016
Bompaire Marc
♦ Calculations on currencies. Mathematicians’ approaches, Practitionners’ approaches : the case of French money-changers books from the XIVth and XVth centuries, Abstract, seminar HPM, March 10, 2014
Brack-Bernsen Lis
Babylonian Astronomy: prediction and calculation of the Lunar Six and eclipses,  Abstract, seminar MPAS, March 14, 2014
Numerical functions describing periodic astronomical phenomena in Mesopotamia,  Abstract, seminar MPAS, April 11, 2014
Bréard Andrea
♦ Interpolation techniques in mathematics and astronomy: traces from Han to Yuan dynasty China,  Abstract, seminar MPAS, June 20, 2014
Bretelle-Establet Florence
What do citations tell us on the medical culture of the Far South? What do medical literature tells us on the practice of citation? Abstract, seminar HSHT, April 5, 2012
A bibliographical review on the practice of citation approached from different standpoints and disciplines,  Abstract, , seminar HSHT, February 20, 2014
Uses and Functions of Quotations in Chinese Medical Texts, Abstract, seminar HSHT, December 13, 2012
Parts and Tables of Contents in Chinese Medical Texts, Abstract, seminar HSHT, March 10, 2016
The Making of the Morrison Collection of Chinese Books, Abstract, seminar HSHT, June 9, 2016
Brita Antonella
Relocating Ethiopic manuscripts in time: mistakes affecting dates in the colophons,  Abstract, conference Mistakes, May 2, 2016
Brockmann Christian
Errors and corrections in some manuscripts of Aristotle and Galen,  Abstract, conference Mistakes, May 3, 2016
Brunke Hagan
Equivalencies: the neo-Sumerian administrative evidence,  Abstract, workshop Math & Realia, June 26, 2015
Buchwald Jed
Hieroglyphs, astronomy and religion in the in Napoleonic and restoration France, or the Dendera Affair,  Abstract, seminar Historiographie, March 16, 2015
Bullynck Maarten
♦ Transfers and transformations of numerals. The brothers Humboldt at the crossroads of disciplines (1819-1835), Abstract, seminar HPM, June 30,2014
Sublanguages, their use in the history of science, an exploration Abstract / Sous-langages, leur usage en histoire des sciences. Une exploration Résumé, seminar HSHT, December 10, 2015
The edition of Gauss’ works and Goettingen’s self-portrayal / Die Gauss-Edition als Projektionsflaeche Goettingischer Selbstdarstellung,  Abstract, seminar HPM, December 14, 2015
Bullynck Maarten & Durand-Richard Marie-José
Douglas R. Hartree (1891-1958) : les méthodes d’approximation à l’épreuve de l’ordinateur, Abstract, seminar HPM, December 15, 2014
Bustamante Martha Cecilia
Orality and writing in Emile Borel’s notebook,  Abstract, seminar HSHT, June 12, 2014
Some comments regarding Paul Ricoeur’s view on trace, Abstract / Quelques commentaires sur la notion de trace chez Paul Ricoeur, Résumé, seminar HSHT, December 10, 2015

C –
Cancik-Kirschbaum Eva
Encoding language – decoding script: the case of cuneiform,  Abstract, seminar HSHT, February 11, 2016
Cao Jin
♦ Weighing, Counting, and Calculating Coins in Ancient China, Abstract, seminar HPM, March 10, 2014
Chabas José
♦ Equations and velocities of the Sun and the Moon in the Zij al-Sindhind by al-Khwarizmi, Abstract, seminar HPM, May 19, 2014
Chaigneau Pierre
Some links between Otto Neugebauer’s work and the history of ancient sciences as made before him in Germany, Abstract, seminar HPM, June 30, 2014
Some precisions for a philology of numbers in cuneiform mathematics and astronomy, Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, February 20, 2015
Comparisons around Egyptian mathematics in Otto Neugebauer and Kurt Vogel’s dissertations, Abstract, seminar HPM, April 13, 2015
A procedure text on volume calculations: BM 85196, Abstract, workshop Math & Realia, June 26, 2015
The use of algebraic formulas in the commentaries on mathematical cuneiform texts: the case of the tablet BM 85196, Abstract / L’utilisation de formules algébriques dans les commentaires sur les textes mathématiques cunéiformes : le cas de la tablette BM 85196, Résumé, seminar HSHT, January 7, 2016
In the jungle of Mesopotamian metrologies: on Thureau-Dangin’s first approach to cuneiform numbers and quantities, Abstract, seminar Historiography, April 15, 2016
Errors in mathematical procedure texts from the Old Babylonian period: the work of a poorly educated scribe? / Erreurs dans les textes mathématiques à procédures de la période Paléo-babylonienne : l’œuvre d’un scribe moyennement éduqué ?, Abstract, conference Mistakes, May 3, 2016
Chaigneau Pierre & Mélès Baptiste
On formulas for computing both the volume of a truncated pyramid and the circumference of hermeneutic circles, Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Charmantier Isabelle
♦ Carl Linnaeus’ Paper slips, Abstract, seminar HSHT, November 21, 2013
Chaussende Damien
♦ Les monographies selon le Traité de l’historien parfait (Shitong) de Liu Zhiji (661-721),  Abstract, worshop Treatises, December 1, 2012
Chemla Karine
♦ Observing the practice of operations and capturing changing theoretical insights. Views inspired by the earliest known Chinese mathematical sources, Abstract, Copenhagen, November 28, 2011
♦ The divide between proof and computation: historiographic and historical remarks, Abstract, Int’l Workshop Paris, December 12, 2011
♦ Numbers and operations in contexts linked to administration and astronomy in ancient China, Abstract, seminar SAW, Paris, December 16, 2011
♦ How tacit is tacit knowledge? Or: Looking for sources to approach tacit knowledge, Abstract, Oberwolfach, January 8, 2012
♦ How to capture theoretical work carried out on operations on the basis of sources from ancient China? Abstract, seminar HPM, February 13, 2012
♦ Names of operations in ancient China: Which hints can we read from them?, Abstract, seminar HMHEFP, June 15, 2012
Observing mathematical practices as a key to mining our sources and conducting conceptual history. Division in ancient China as a case study,  Abstract, Nancy, June 19, 2012
♦ Rethinking computation. Reflections based on ancient Chinese sources, Abstract, Brussels, September 3, 2012
♦ Approaching the scientific work at play in the analysis of standard measuring vessel in ancient China (3rd—7th centuries), Abstract, EACS 19th conference, September 4, 2012
♦ The meaning of parts in mathematical texts. The example of chapters in mathematical writings from ancient China, Abstract, London, September 10, 2012
♦ Elements of a history of an international historiography of science, Abstract, Paris, October 1, 2012
♦ Working on and with division in early China Abstract
♦ Features of quantities and computation in ancient China (Place-value number system; abstract numbers and their relation to questions of units, unit prizes, and equivalences),  Abstract, workshop CCQ, February 15, 2013
♦ Mathematical approaches to the gnomon in ancient China, Abstract, seminar MPAS, February 14, 2014
♦ Abstraction in ancient Chinese mathematical writings and parts of texts, Abstract, seminar HSHT, February 21, 2013
♦ Commentaries on mathematical texts. Results and new questions,  Abstract, sem HSHT, May 22, 2014
♦ Various types of numbers, various types of approximations in early Chinese writings on mathematics and astral sciences, Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, January 16, 2015
♦ Mathematical reasoning in early writings on astral science, Abstract, seminar MPAS, February 15, 2015
Conjunctions between the sun and the moon, and pursuit problems. Mathematical reasoning in Chinese writings on astral sciences, Abstract, conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
Mathematical reasoning and computation in the early astral sciences in ChinaAbstract, Int’l conference Xi’an, August 23, 2015
Mathematical cultures in ancient China. Previous views and new insightsAbstract, seminar Practices, December 3, 2015
How 19th century writings about the history of mathematics in China were shaped by comparison, Abstract, Bergamo, February 26, 2016
Remarks on the historiography of the Chinese remainder theorem in the 19th and 20th century, Abstract
, seminar HPM, March 7, 2016
Calculer avec des positions, calculer avec des tables en Chine ancienne, Séminaire Codes sources 2016
les diapos de la conférence et  l’enregistrement audio, Résumé, April 13, 2016
Publishing on the history of mathematics at the end of the 18th and in the 19th century in FranceAbstract, seminar HSHT, May 12, 2016
♦ How has one, and how could one, approach the diversity of mathematical cultures? Abstract, 7ECM – Berlin 2016
Chemla Karine, Chen Zhihui, Daniel Morgan & Zhou Xiaohan
19th century uses of comparison in the historiography of mathematics and astral sciences in China, Abstract, seminar Historiography, May 20, 2016
Chemla Karine & Daniel Morgan
♦ Math Lessons: Towards an Interdisciplinary Approach to an Early Chinese Manuscript Culture, lecture,
Joint Workshop CSMC-SAW, May 8, 2014
♦ The production of integers and mathematical operations in writings on astral sciences in ancient China, Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, January 23, 2015
Chemla Karine & Li Liang
♦ Arithmetic progressions and motions of astral bodies in ancient China, Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, January 23, 2015
Progressions, motions and changes in the astral sciences of ancient China, Abstract,
conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
Chemla Karine & Ma Biao
♦ Management of grains, measuring units, and the imperial policy of the Qin and the Han, Abstract, seminar HMHEFP, March 9, 2012
♦ Measuring grains in early China Abstract
Chemla Karine & Zou Dahai
♦ Parts in Chinese mathematical texts, Abstract, seminar xxx, October 15, 2012
Chen Zhihui
♦ Calculating Ancient Chronology by Ancient Astral-mathematical Methods: Mid-Qing Scholars’ Studies on the Chronology of Confucian Classics, Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, February 13, 2015
How Did Mid-Qing Scholars Use Ancient Calendrical Methods to Calculate Dates of Events Mentioned in Confucian Canons?  — A Study Focusing on Li Rui’s Zhaogao Riming Kao, Abstract, conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
Wylie’s Comparative Study on Sino-Western Transmission of Astral Sciences in Ancient China: The Case of the Synthesis Study on the Weekly Calendrical System, Abstract, seminar HPM, April13, 2015
Comparisons between Tianyuan, Siyuan Procedures and Algebra Drawn by Wylie and Li Shanlan, Abstract, seminar HIstoriography, June 1st, 2015
Alexander Wylie’s Comparisons of Algebra between China and Europe, and Its Historiographical Provenance, Abstract, Dayan Forum, Hohhot, China, September 11, 2015
♦ On the Rediscovery of the Jade Mirror of the Four Origins, and its Interpretations by Luo Shilin and Shen Qinpei, Abstract, seminar HSHT, January 7, 2016
Wylie’s translation of the terminologies for the traditional Chinese mathematics, Abstract, seminar Historiography, January 22, 2016
♦ Confucian scholars’ attitudes towards the Western astral-mathematical knowledge in the early 19th century — a study of on the civil examination and correspondence resources, Abstract, seminar HPM, February 15, 2016
♦ Shifting to sinological tradition and science: Alexander Wylie’s study on the history of astral sciences in China, with a comparison with his historiography of mathematics, Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Chen Zhihui & Zhou Xiaohan
Establishing the orthodox: Writing and editing biographies of practitioners in the mathematical sciences in Chinese Qing Dynasty – 塑造传统:中国清代对畴人传记的编写, Abstract, seminar HSHT, April 14, 2016
Chorlay Renaud & Cécile de Hosson
History and science and mathematics education: methodological issues, Abstract, seminar HPM, November 17, 2014
Clancier Philippe
The Urukean scholars from the end of the Achaemenid period to the beginning of the Arsacid era, Abstract, conference Uruk, March 23, 2015
Colonna d’Istria Laurent
The fractions 1/3 and 2/3 in the Šakkanakku period and their genesis, Abstract, workshop Math & Realia, June 26, 2015
Confalonieri Sara
♦ Le De Regula Aliza de Jerôme Cardan, ou comment éviter le casus irreducibilis, Abstract, seminar HSHT, April 15, 2013
Cooper Jerry
Editing the Sumerians – How and Why?  Abstract, conference Shaping Science, June 20, 2013

D –
David Béatrcie
A preliminary investigation of the ritual use of the calendar and the oracular script of the Sui (Guizhou, South-West China), Abstract, conference Rituals, June 8, 2016
De Courtenay Nadine
♦ Two different roles units can play in the mathematical formulation of physical relations, Abstract, seminar Historiography, April 15, 2016
De Hosson Cécile & Chorlay Renaud
History and science and mathematics education: methodological issues, Abstract, seminar HPM, November 17, 2014
De Jong Teije
♦ The Babylonian zodiac: a mathematician’s view of the sky, Abstract, seminar MPAS, January 17, 2014
The rediscovery of Babylonian Astronomy: a historiographic narrative, Abstract, seminar Historiography, December 18, 2015
De Varent Charlotte
♦ Relations between history of mathematics and mathematics education: a case study,  Abstract, seminar HPM, November 17, 2014
Apports de la diversité de systèmes métrologiques anciens à l’enseignement aujourd’hui: réflexion croisée avec les manuels scolaires de CM2 / Contributions of ancient metrological systems’ diversity to the teaching of today: comparative reflections with elementary textbooks from the fifth grade,  Résumé / Abstract, seminar HPM, April 4, 2016

Decaens Simon
The history of American abstract algebra, two accounts by E. T. Bell and G. Birkhoff, Abstract, seminar HPM, January 11, 2016
Decorps Micheline
♦ Le texte des Coniques d’Apollonius : les étapes d’une construction, Abstract, seminar HSHT, February 9, 2012
The critical edition of the mathematical texts of Greek Antiquity: questions of method, Abstract, conference Shaping Science, June 19, 2013
Un exemple de commentaire mathématique à la fin de l’Antiquité : le commentaire d’Eutocius d’Ascalon aux Coniques d’Apollonius de Perge, Abstract, seminar HSHT, May 22, 2014
Defoort Carine
Mozi’s Resurrection: Sun Yirang’s (1848-1908) Contribution to the Reappraisal of Mohist Thought in Chinese Intellectual History, Abstract, conference Shaping Science, June 20, 2013
Dehouve Danièle
♦ Cycles du calendrier et usages sociaux des nombres calendaires chez les anciens Mexicains, Abstract, seminar MPAS, January 17, 2014
Dessagnes Magali
Meeting on the “Collections used in The History of Science – Scholarly value, market value, patrimonial value“, Presentation, seminar HSHT, April 16, 2015
Gejou Elias, example of the antiquarian profession in the nineteenth century and main
supplier tablets collections cuneiform of his time
, Abstract, seminar HSHT, April 16, 2015
Dupré Sven
♦ Reconstructing recipes between technical art history and the history of science and technology, Abstract, seminar Practices, June 12, 2013
Durand-Richard  Marie-José
Le point de vue des algébristes anglais sur l’historiographie de l’algèbre / The English algebraists’  view of historiography of algebra,   Abstract Résumé, seminar HPM, January 11, 2016
♦ The English Algebraists: from the practice of arithmetics to its theory, Abstract, seminar Historiography, April 15, 2016

E –
Englund Robert K
♦ Grain and time calculations in the 4th millennium BC Mesopotamia, Handout Slides, seminar HMHEFP, March 9, 2012
Eckes Christophe
Autour de la publication des œuvres complètes de Hermann Minkowski par David Hilbert, Andreas Speiser et Hermann Weyl,   Abstract, seminar HPM, December 14, 2015

F –
Falk Sebastian
♦ Amateur astronomers learning with tables: the case of the Equatorie of the Planetis,  Abstract, HSHT 3-day-meeting, January 15, 2015
Feldhay Rivka
Jesuit Philosophers-Mathematicians and the Aristotelian Tradition,  Abstract, seminar Historiography, June 8, 2015
Friedrich Michael
When mistakes start making sense: ‘scribal errors’ in Laozi A from Mawangdui 3, Abstract, conference Mistakes, May 3, 2016

G –
Garcia Antonio
♦ Orality, writing and the learning of chemistry,  Abstract, seminar HSHT, June 12, 2014
Ganeri Jonardon
Pluralism about Epistemic Cultures: Reflecting on the Sanskrit Knowledge Systems,  Abstract, seminar Practices, December 3, 2015
Gautschy Rita
♦ Angles of obscuration in Late Babylonian eclipse reports, Abstract, seminar MPAS, January 17, 2014
Giele Enno
♦ Bamboo, Wood, Silk, and Paper: The Writing Materials of Early China,  Abstract, seminar HSHT, January 23, 2014
Tombs and Money,  Abstract, seminar HSHT, November 25, 2015
Goldschmidt Asaf
Measuring the Body – Locating Acupuncture Loci during the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127), Abstract, EACS 19conf, September 4, 2012
Gonçalves Carlos
The Size of the Things – Metrological Practices in the Old Babylonian Diyala, Abstract, workshop Math & Realia, June 26, 2015
Goodman Howard
♦ Dynamic Domains of Activity in Early Chinese Harmonometrics and Their Astral Crossovers and Caesuras, Abstract, seminar MPAS, November 14, 2014
Graheli Alessandro
The Impact of the Press in the Tradition of the Nyāyabhāṣya, Abstract, conference Shaping Science, June 17, 2013
Guenzi Caterina
♦ The tree of jyotiṣa and its branches. Ritual and therapeutic uses of astral sciences in contemporary India, Abstract, seminar MPAS, November 14, 2014
Guo Jinhai
The Use of Ancient Chinese Mathematical Texts in the New Schools established during the Late Qing Dynasty, Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Gysembergh Victor
“Greek” science, “Babylonian” science? A vexata quaestio in the historiography of science, Abstract, seminar Historiography, December 18, 2015

H –
Habib Irfan
Legitimating the present through mis-readings of the past: New historiographies of science in South Asia, Abstract, seminar Historiography, June 17, 2016
Haffner Emmylou
♦ Arithmetic operations as generalisation tool: Dedekind’s approach,  Abstract, seminar HSHT, February 13, 2012
Quelques remarques sur l’édition des Gesammelte Werke de Riemann par Dedekind et Weber/Some remarks on Dedekind and Weber’s edition of Riemann’s Gesammelte Werke,  Résumé Abstract, seminar HPM, December 14, 2015
Han Qi
Rethinking the Ancient Mathematical Text: Ming-Qing Scholars’ Critical Reflections on the Zhoubi suanjing, Abstract, conference Shaping Science, June 21, 2013
Creating a New Paradigm: Mei Juecheng (1681-1764) and His Use of European Algebra in the Interpretation of Chinese Traditional Mathematics, Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Hanson Marta
♦ Understanding is Within One’s Grasp (liaoran zai wo 瞭然在握): Hand Mnemonics and Chinese Arts of Memory, Abstract, seminar HSHT, november 21, 2013
Harbsmeier Christoph
♦ Aspects of philosophy of numbers in relation to the lexicalized gramm of number words in pre-Buddhist and Classical Chinese, Abstract, EACS 19th conference, September 4, 2012
Hayek Matthias
♦ Cosmograms, Temporalities, and Computations in premodern Japan,  Abstract, seminar MPAS, October 17, 2014
♦ Rotating Disks and Straight Rulers: Paper Instruments in Japanese Early Modern Divination Manuals Abstract, HSHT 3-day-meeting, February 19, 2015
Hirose Sho
♦ A beginner’s guide for using the gnomon with Examples, by Paramesvara in his Goladipika, Abstract, seminar MPAS, February 14, 2014
♦ Astronomy preserved in Trivandrum, India: Some examples of manuscripts in libraries and private houses with reference to its practice, Abstract, Joint Workshop CSMC-SAW, May 8, 2014
♦ The dual illumination of the sphere: Comparing the two versions of the Goladīpikā by Parameśvara, Abstract, seminar HPM, May 19, 2014
♦ Instructions for drawing on the ground in some Sanskrit sources, Abstract, seminar MPAS, October 17, 2014
♦ Revision or new work? What lies between the two Goladīpikās,  Abstract, seminar HSHT, Nov. 13, 2014
♦ Units to measure the arcs of orbits. Bhāskara’s commentary on the Āryabhaṭīya, Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, January 23, 2015
Reasonings in the Goladīpikā of Parameśvara, Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, January 30, 2015
♦ What were the functions of the armillary sphere in Paramesvara’s Goladīpikā? Abstract, HSHT 3-day-meeting, February 5, 2015
Explanations on planes, explanations in space: the usage of the armillary sphere in Parameśvara’s Goladīpikā, Abstract, conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
♦ Observation versus Computation in Indian Astronomy,  Abstract, seminar Historiography, March 18, 2016
Do numbers matter? Mistakes occurring in commentaries for working examples in a Sanskrit astronomical treatise,  Abstract, conference Mistakes, May 2, 2016
Hirose Sho, Keller Agathe & Montelle Clemency
♦ Comparing a corpus of commentarial texts on Armillary Spheres: Bhāskara, Pṛthūdhaka, Āmarāja, Parameśvara, Abstract, Three month worshop MPAS, March 13, 2015
Hirschi Caspar
Handwriting in Print: Graphological Publications during the Dreyfus Affair, Abstract, seminar HSHT, March 10, 2016
Hon Giora 
♦ Accuracy and Precision : Two Aspects of Approximation, Abstract, seminar HPM, January 13, 2014
Høyrup Jens
♦ On the notion of “Exp10 (log10 (modulo 1))” – observations of a former teacher of engineering students on the use of the slide rule, Handout, seminar HMHEFP, January 6, 2012
What is “geometric algebra”, and what has it been in historiography?  Abstract, seminar HPM, January 11, 2016
Hsia Florence
Reconstructing science in sinographic archives, Abstract, seminar Historiography, November 13, 2015
How to talk about Chinese astronomy?, Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Hudeček Jiří
Between Evidential Scholarship and New Humanism: Li Yan and Qian Baocong as Historians of Chinese Mathematics, Abstract, seminar Historiography, February 19, 2016
History of mathematics in the service of modernization in 20th century China, Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Hunger Hermann
♦ Arithmetical methods applied to the daily motions of celestial bodies in Babylonian astronomy,  Abstract, seminar MPAS, February 21, 2014
♦ Numerical schemes in Babylonian astrology, Abstract, seminar MPAS, December 19, 2014
♦ Who produced cuneiform astronomical tables and related texts? Abstract, seminar MPAS, May 23, 2014
Astrological Texts from Late Babylonian Uruk, Abstract, conference Uruk, March 24, 2015
Reasoning involving mathematics in schematic Babylonian astronomy, Abstract, conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
Husson Matthieu
♦ Remarks on John of Murs’ De monetisAbstract, seminar HPM, March 10, 2014
♦ Evrat de Conty’s translation of Aristotle’s Problems: a look at the manuscript tradition of the problem 35 on music,  Abstract, seminar HSHT, March 20, 2014 and May 22, 2014
♦ Confessions of an historian of science at work with manuscripts, Abstract, Joint Workshop CSMC-SAW, May 8, 2014
♦ Emmanuel Poulle’s distinction between geometrical equatory and mathematical equatory in Les instruments de la théorie des planètes selon Ptolémée : équations et horlogerie planétaire du XIIIe au XVIe siècle,  Abstract, seminar MPAS, October 17, 2014
♦ Remarks on mean motion computations and fixed sexagesimal place value notation, Abstract, seminar MPAS, January 5, 2015
Editing a Zij at the turn of the 20th century : the case of Carlo Alfonso Nallino (1872-1938),  Abstract, seminar HSHT, January 7, 2016
♦ John of Murs’ eclipse computation in the Escorial O II 10, Abstract, HSHT 3-day-meeting, January 15, 2015
♦ Operations on sexagesimal fractions described inside and outside astronomical texts: a comparison, Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS & conference MPAS, January 23 & March 31, 2015
John of Lignières’ instruments of the 1322 tables and their comments by John of Saxony, Abstract, three-month workshop MPAS, March 13, 2015
Conjunction problems in John of Murs’ Quadripartitum numerorum, Abstract, Int’l conference Xi’an, August 23, 2015
Mathematical Practices/ Mathematical cultures: perspectives from late medieval Europe,  Abstract, seminar Practices, February 3, 2016
Astronomical tables as handwritten objects: errors, corrections and annotation in the Corpus Christi College Ms 283 fol 114-145,  Abstract, conference Mistakes, May 2, 2016
Husson Matthieu & Kremer Richard
♦ Conjunction problems in John of Murs’s Quadripartitum numerorum and syzygy computations, Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, February 13, 2015

I –
Ikeyama Setsuro
The calculation of Vyatipata, an astrological phenomenon in Indian astrology,  Abstract, exploratory workshop Rituals, March 20, 2015
Practical Trigonometry in Indian Astronomy,  Abstract, conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
Indraccolo Lisa
Number, Units, and Conceptual Categories. Conceptions and misconceptions about numbers in China and the West,  Abstract, seminar Historiography, March 18, 2016
Isahaya Yoishi
♦ Reconsidering Spheres in the Celestial and Terrestrial Dimensions. The Qiyao rangzai jue, Fu tian li, and their application Abstract, seminar MPAS, May 23, 2014

J –
Jagadish Agasibagil and Rajaram Hegde
♦ Text and practices: Land measure in South India, with special reference to Karnataka, Abstract, seminar HMHEFP, May 11, 2012
Jones Alexander
Uruk and the Greco-Roman World, Abstract, conference Uruk, March 24, 2015
Approximate results and recursive algorithms in Greek astronomy, Abstract, conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015

K –
Kalinowski Marc
♦ L’expression de la norme lunisolaire du calendrier civil dans l’hémérologie populaire des Qin et des Han,  Abstract, seminar MPAS, February 21, 2014
Keller Agathe
♦ Thinking about parikarman: Elementary and fundamental operations in Sanskrit mathematical texts of the 7th-12th centuries, Handout, seminar HPM, November 14, 2011
♦ Using calendars and almanacs in Asia (India, China, Japan), Outline, workshop Calendars, December 9, 2011
♦ Positional and tabular notations in Sanskrit mathematical texts (7th – 10th centuries), Handout Presentation, seminar HMHEFP, January 6, 2012
♦ Taxes in Sanskrit mathematical sources, Presentation, seminar HMHEFP, February 3, 2012
♦ Using grains in medieval Sanskrit mathematical texts, Presentation, biblio, seminar HMHEFP, March 9, 2012
♦ Using Calendars and Almanacs in Asia (India, China, Japan) Introduction
♦ The mathematical chapter of the Aryabhatiya (499) as a compilation of oral rules, Handout, seminar HSHT, November 15, 2012
What do you do with commentaries, what do you do with structure? H. T. Colebrooke, Sudhākara Dvivedin and the mathematical chapter of the Brahmasphuṭasiddhānta, Abstract , conference Shaping Science, June 18, 2013
♦ Sanskrit mathematical texts and practices from the point of view of manuscripts: diagrams, numerical tables and the organization of mathematical chapters in early medieval commentaries, Abstract, Joint Workshop CSMC-SAW, May 8, 2014
♦ Mathematical and textual practices in Sanskrit mathematical commentaries, 7th-10th century,  Abstract, seminar HSHT, May 22, 2014
♦ Le chapitre mathématique de l’Āryabhaṭīya (499) comme une compilation de règles orales/ The mathematical chapter of the Āryabhaṭīya (499) as a compilation of oral rules Abstract, seminar HSHT, June 12, 2014
♦ Pṛthūdhaka’s commentary on Brahmagupta’s rules on operations with sexagesimal numbers or measuring units. (BSS.12.62-65), Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, January 16, 2015
♦ Reasonings in Pṛthūdhaka’s commentaries on Brahmagupta, Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, January 30, 2015
♦ Understanding the vikala, Pṛthūdaka’s interpretation of Brahmagupta’s rules on quantities with sexagesimal parts, Abstract, conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
The fruitful analysis of algorithms and their texts: some examples from the Sanskrit,  Abstract, Xi’an, China, August 26, 2015
Reclaiming Diversity: The Paradoxes of ‘Vedic Mathematics’,  Abstract, San Francisco, November 22, 2015
Contemporary issues mirrored into the past: creating dialogs with mathematical procedures from the Indian subcontinent,  Abstract, Zürich, January 14, 2016
Unravelling Libbrecht’s kuṭṭaka / Détricotage du kuṭṭaka,  AbstractRésumé, seminar HPM, March 7, 2016
Listing biographies in histories of mathematics of the Indian subcontinent,  Abstract, seminar HSHT, April 14, 2016
Vedic Mathematics and its historiography of «hindu» mathematics,  Abstract, seminar Historiography, June 17, 2016
A Historiographical Exploration of Āryabhaṭa’s verses on Indeterminate Problems of the First Degree,  Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Keller Agathe & Hirose Sho
On schools, traditions or cultures in Sanskrit mathematical and astral sciences: some considerations, Abstract, seminar Practices, May 4, 2016
Keller Agathe & Singh Catherine
♦ Multiplying Integers: on the diverse practices of medieval Sanskrit authors Abstract
♦ Editions and translations of Sanskrit Mathematical and Astral texts in India at the beginning of the twentieth century, Abstract, seminar Historiography, January 8, 2016
Keller Agathe, Petrocchi Alessandra & Singh Catherine
♦ Cultures of computation: elementary operations and fractions, Abstract, workshop CCQ, January 11, 2013
Keller Agathe & Smadja Ivahn
♦ Why contrasting Greek and Indian mathematics ? Brahmagupta’s rules on cyclic quadrilaterals: cross-readings in XIXth century Europe (1817-1874),  Abstract, seminar HPM, May 13, 2013
Knudsen Toke
♦ Bricks real and imaginary: The altar constructions of the Sulbasutras, Abstract, seminar HMHEFP, April 6, 2012
Kremer Richard
♦ Exploring the social world of the medieval Latin astronomical codex, Abstract, seminar HSHT, November 21, 2013
♦ Dialing, geometry and proof in early 16th-century Europe: Stabius’s paper instruments, Abstract, HSHT 3-day-meeting, January 15, 2015
Krul Julia
“Star Anu, Lord of Heaven”: The influence of the celestial sciences on temple rituals in Hellen-istic Uruk and Babylon, Abstract, conference Uruk, March 24, 2015
Kusuba Takanori
♦ Rules and examples for interests and loans in Sanskrit mathematical texts, Abstract, seminar HMHEFP, January 20, 2012

L –
Lafont Bertrand
♦ Sumerian accounting practices: Some pieces of textual evidence, Abstract Presentation, seminar HMHEFP, February 3, 2012
Lambert Kevin
♦ Counting on Power: George Peacock, the History of Arithmetic and the Late Georgian British Colonial State, Abstract, seminar Historiography, January 8, 2016
Lau Ulrich
The legal manuscripts from Zhangjiashan tomb 247 revisited,  Abstract, seminar HSHT, November 25, 2015
Lê François
Geometrical equations: a “cultural system”,  Abstract, seminar Practices, February 3, 2016
Lecompte Camille
Procedures for estimating the fields’ and gardens’ surfaces in Pre-Sargonic documentation from Girsu, Abstract, workshop Math & Realia, June 26, 2015
Lee Eunsoo
Makers, Readers, and Translators of Mathematical Diagrams, Abstract, seminar practices, June20, 2016
Lefevbre Julie
♦ A linguistic approach to parts of text : parts of text as marks of the metatextual activity of writers, Abstract, seminar HSHT, February 20, 2014
«Parts of text» and «parts in text»: towards a differentiation, Abstract / «Parts de texte», «parts dans le texte» : éléments pour une différenciation,  Résumé, seminar HSHT, December 10, 2015
Lei Hsiang-lin
How Did Chinese Medicine Become Chinese? Re-thinking the conception of culture in understanding Chinese medicine, Abstract, seminar Historiography, June 17, 2016
Leinss Gerhard
♦ Calendars and almanacs in Japan (689 to 1884): formats, contents, users, Abstract, workshop Calendars, December 9, 2011
Lémonon Isabelle
♦ Mme Dupiery’s Table alphabétique et analytique de chimie : What’s to know ? Abstract, , seminar HSHT, January 23, 2014
Léon Jacqueline
Harris’ sublanguages: intermediary objects for text processing,  Abstract, seminar HSHT, March 10, 2016
Léong Elaine
♦ Creating Treasuries for Health: Knowledge Codification in the ‘Margins’,  Abstract, seminar  HSHT, November 13, 2014
Levinovitz Alan & Morgan Daniel
Virtue on Trial: Ritual Archery Competitions and Astronomical Testing in Early China,  Abstract, conference Rituals, June 7, 2016
Li Liang
Measuring units and quantities in Chinese ancient astronomic tables, Abstract,
EACS 19th conference, September 4, 2012
♦ How the ephemeris of the sun was compiled in the Ming period? On the Wei du Taiyang Tongjing and the calculation of the sun with Chinese-Islamic System, Abstract, seminar MPAS, May 23, 2014
♦ Procedural table as a tool: The calculations in Chinese calendric astronomy, Abstract, HSHT 3-day-meeting, February 19, 2015
Loewe Michael
♦ The place of figures in the administration of China’s early empires (221 BCE to 220 CE), Abstract, seminar HMHEFP, February 3, 2012
Loveland Jeff & Schmitt Stéphane
Poinsinet’s Edition of the Naturalis Historia (1771-1782) and the Revival of Pliny in the Sciences of the Enlightenment), Abstract, conference Shaping Science, June 21, 2013

M –
Mak Bill
Ritualistic cyclicity in Indo-Greek astral science – Expressions for various modes of time measurement in the Yavanajātaka,  Abstract, exploratory workshop Rituals, March 19, 2015
Malamoud Charles
♦ Compter et mesurer dans l’Arthaśāstra, Abstract, seminar HMHEFP, December 16, 2011
Malet Antoni
Milliet Dechales’s history of mathematics, Abstract, seminar Historiography, November 13, 2015
Maronne Sébastien
Mistakes and the edition of mathematical letters of early modern period, Abstract, conference Mistakes, May 3, 2016
May Natalie
Text and Architecture: YBC 5022 and BM 15285 as “Manuals of an Architect”, Abstract, workshop Math & Realia, June 26, 2015
McClish Mark
♦ The Composition of the Arthaśāstra: On Kauṭilya’s Use of Sources and the Evolution of the Text,  Abstract, seminar HSHT, January 23, 2014
Mélès Baptiste
Conceptions of Computation in Historiography of Mesopotamian Mathematics,  Abstract, seminar Historiography, March 18, 2016
Michalowski Piotr
The Sumerians Editing – How and Why?  Abstract, conference Shaping Science, June 18, 2013
Michel Cécile
♦ Price, interest, and tax calculation by the Old Assyrian merchants (19th century BCE), Abstract, seminar HMHEFP, January 20,2012
♦ When manuscripts take the shape of the object under study: The case of clay liver models,  Abstract, Joint Workshop CSMC-SAW, May 8, 2014
♦ The weight system of the Old Assyrian merchants, Abstract, workshop CCQ, February 1, 2013
♦ Legal Texts and Royal Inscriptions with Matters Related to Prices and Regulation. Old Babylonian and Old Assyrian Periods, Abstract, workshop CCQ, February 22, 2013
♦ Conversions in the Old Assyrian trade documentation (19th century BCE),  Abstract, workshop CCQ, March 8, 2013
♦ The weight system of the Old Assyrian merchants, Abstract, workshop CCQ, February 1, 2013
♦ When manuscripts take the shape of the object under study: The case of clay liver models,  Abstract, Joint Workshop CSMC-SAW, May 8, 2014
Weighing Units, Standards and Weight Artefacts during the Old Assyrian Period,  Abstract, workshop Math & Realia, June 26, 2015
Michel Cécile & Middeke-Conlin Robert
♦ Classifying texts in Ancient Mesopotamia; some definitions, Abstract, January 10, 2013
♦ Quantifying with bricks, volume units, capacity units and weight units in Mesopotamia, Abstract, workshop CCQ, February 1, 2013
Michel Cécile & Proust Christine
♦ Computing with a device in early second millenium Mesopotamia : evidences in mathematical texts and attempts to reconstruct a sexagesimal abacus, Abstract, seminar Practices, June 12, 2013
Transliterating and translating numbers and quantities in editions of cuneiform texts, Abstract, conference Shaping Science, June 17, 2013
Middeke-Conlin Robert
♦ Creative accounting: Anomalies in bookkeeping during the Old Babylonian period, Abstract, seminar HMHEFP, February 3, 2012
♦ The Nazbalum in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia: A Concrete Number or Administrative Tool  Abstract
♦ Tabular Mathematic Texts from Ur and Elsewhere in the Old Babylonian Period, Abstract, seminar HPM, Octobre 15, 2013
♦ Error and Uncertainty in Ancient Texts, Abstract, seminar HPM, January 13, 2014
♦ Estimation and Observation: A study of two Old Babylonian tabular administrative documents, Abstract, Joint Workshop CSMC-SAW, May 8, 2014
Estimating volume: Methods for assessing volume exhibited and suggested in two Old Babylonian tabular administrative texts, Abstract, workshop Math & Realia, June 26, 2015
Errors, Mistakes, and Evidence for a Counting Device, Abstract, conference Mistakes, May 3, 2016
Mimura Taro
♦ Summary of the Almagest: Another Astronomical Tradition in the Days of Naṣīr Dīn Ṭūsī and its Significance in the History of Solving Problems Concerning the Diurnal Motions, Abstract, seminar MPAS, February 21, 2014
The Formation of Zījs in the Integration of Indian and Greek Mathematical Tools, Abstract, conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
Minkowski Christopher
The  Treatise of the Sun and Fitzedward Hall’s Edition, Abstract, conference Shaping Science, June 20, 2013
The sense of history in Indian astronomical texts, Abstract, seminar Historiography, November 13, 2015
Mizuno Hiromi
When Cultural History Meets Mathematics: wasan and Yoshio Mikamit, Abstract, seminar Historiography, January 22, 2016
♦ Mikami Yoshio: From the philosophy of mathematics to cultural history of mathematics, and finally scholarly history of mathematics in China, Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Montelle Clemency
♦ The mathematics underlying parallax in Sanskrit sources, Abstract, seminar MPAS, March 14, 2014
♦ How to compute planetary latitudes: an unusual mathematical approach in a Sanskrit commentary, Abstract, seminar MPAS, March 21, 2014
♦ Unveiling the Layers of Āmarāja’s commentary on Brahmagupta’s sines, Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, January 30, 2015
♦ Determining the declination: Some reflections on trigonometry in the Sanskrit astral sciences,  Abstract, seminar HPM, February 9, 2015
What can numerical data reveal about approximation? Trigonometry and the associated interpolation rules in Brahmagupta’s Khaṇḍakhādyaka,  Abstract, conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
Morel Thomas
Les unités de mesure en géométrie souterraine (XVIe-XVIIIe) / Subterranean geometry and its measurement units (16th-18th centuries),  Résumé Abstract, seminar HPM, April 4, 2016
Morgan Daniel
♦ Lodging Complaints: the Perplexities of the 28 Zodiacal xiu in Early Chinese Sources, Abstract, seminar MPAS, January 17, 2014
♦ Introduction to the Procedures of Early Chinese Mathematical Astronomy: The Luminous Inception system of 237 CE, Abstract, seminar RMT, January 29 and February 19, 2014
♦ Sphere Confusion: The Textual Reconstruction of First-millennium hun Instruments, AbstractHandout, HSHT 3-day-meeting, February 5, 2015
By Process of Elimination: Further Remarks on the Operation chu in Early Imperial Mathematical Astronomy, Abstract, conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
♦ Reflections upon the Presentation of Parallel Algorithms Across the Astral and Mathematical Sciences in First-Millennium China, Abstract, Int’l conference Xi’an, August 23, 2015
What can you do with a Calendar? Extracting Facts, Stories, and Information otherwise pertinent to your own Field from a Table of Dates,  Abstract, seminar HSHT, November 25, 2015
A Sphere unto Itself: the Death and Medieval Framing of the History of Chinese Cosmography,  Abstract, seminar Historiography, January 22, 2016
Shu shu 數術 : When an actor’s category became an observer’s category, why, and what we can do about it,  Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Morgan Daniel & Levinovitz Alan
Virtue on Trial: Ritual Archery Competitions and Astronomical Testing in Early China,  Abstract, conference Rituals, June 7, 2016
Most Glenn
What is a Critical Edition? Historical and Methodological Reflections,  Abstract, conference Shaping Science, June 18, 2013
Moyon Marc &  Spiesser Maryvonne
Surface de rectangles et unités de mesure chez Léonard de Pise (13e siècle) / Rectangular Surfaces and Units of Measurement with Leonardo of Pisa (13th century),  Résumé Abstract, seminar HPM, April 4, 2016

N –
Netz Reviel
Reduction of Absurdity? Publishing the Diagrams of Indirect Proof, Abstract, conference Shaping Science, June 17, 2013
The scale of ancient culture, Abstract, seminar HSHT, June 9, 2016
The Mathematical Cultures of Greek Culture, Abstract, seminar Practices, June 20, 2016
Nicolet Grégoire
A mathematical class at ‘Chantier K’ in Mari, Abstract, workshop Math & Realia, June 26, 2015
Nothaft Philipp
Calendar Reform in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries: Problems and Perspectives, Abstract, conference Rituals, June 7, 2016

O –
Ossendrijver Mathieu
♦ Mathematical terminology in Babylonian astronomical texts, Presentation, seminar HMHEFP, June 15, 2012
Babylonian astronomy – editing and interpreting an ancient science, Abstract, conference Shaping Science, June 20, 2013
♦ Two challenging Late Babylonian procedure texts for constructing a gnomon, Handout, February 12, 2014
♦ Astronomical tables of the spread sheet type, Abstract, HSHT 3-day-meeting, February 19, 2015
Mathematical Reasoning in a Late-Babylonian Commentary to Enuma Anu Enlil Tablet 14, Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, February 20, 2015
♦ Arithmetical progressions and geometrical reasoning in Babylonian schemes for Jupiter’s daily motion: Babylonian astronomy and mathematics: two disciplines, one methodology? Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, March 6, 2015
Mathematical Practices in the Rēš temple, Abstract, conference Uruk, March 23, 2015
Mathematical Practices in Late Babylonian Mathematical Astronomy, Abstract, conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015

P –
Perez Liliane
♦ Artisans’ accounting practices and operations skills in the 18th century, Abstract, seminar HMHEFP, January 6, 2012
Petrocchi Alessandra
Coins, seeds, and units of weight in the Arthaśāstra and in the commentary Kriyākramakarī Abstract
Petrocchi Alessandra & Singh Catherine
♦ About measuring units in different kinds of Prakrit and Sanskrit sources, Abstract, workshop CCQ, March 1, 2013
Plofker Kim
♦ The Suryagrahana of Muhammad Shah:  Foreign mathematical tools in a study of solar eclipses, Abstract, seminar MPAS, June 20, 2014
Pollock Sheldon
A Theory of Philological Practice in Early Modern India, Abstract, conference Shaping Science, June 19, 2013
Preisendanz Karin
♦ Text Segmentation, Chapter Naming and the Transmission of Embedded Texts in the Indian Medical and Philosophical Traditions: The Cases of the Carakasamhita and the Nyayasutra, Presentation, seminar HSHT, May 10, 2012
Editing a Foundational Work on Classical Indian Medicine: The Printed Editions of the Carakasaṃhitā in Context, Abstract, conference Shaping Science, June 21, 2013
Proust Christine
♦ Le principe de position dans les textes mathématiques cunéiformes, Outline, seminar HMHEFP, January 6, 2012
♦ The use of language in mathematical texts: Writing styles specific to some schools, Outline Handout, seminar HPM, April 2, 2012
♦ Bricks as units of volume: Reference texts and problems, Abstract, seminar HMHEFP, April 6, 2012
♦ Shaping numbers and units of measure: some evidences in Early-Dynastic tables of surfaces from Southern Mesopotamia (mid-third millennium BCE) Abstract
♦ Colophons in mathematical cuneiform texts as indicators of the pragmatic status of texts, Abstract, Joint Workshop CSMC-SAW, May 8, 2014
♦ Economic problems in cuneiform mathematical texts: an example of a list of problems on buying and selling (YBC 4698), Abstract
♦ From land surveying to geometry: Kish school exercises, Abstract, seminar HMHEFP, May 11, 2012
♦ Tablette, section, ligne : découpages des textes dans les mathématiques cunéiformes, Abstract, , seminar HSHT, February 9, 2012
♦ Before and after the Sexagesimal Place Value Notation, Abstract, workshop CCQ, January 23, 2013
♦ Coefficient lists, Abstract, workshop CCQ, January 23, 2013
♦ The text YBC 4669 related to standards, Abstract, workshop CCQ, March 8, 2013
♦ Mémorisation des mathématiques dans les écoles de l’ancienne Babylone/ Memorizing mathematics in Old-Babylonian schools, Abstract, seminar HSHT, June 12, 2014
Some false evidence on the relationship between masters and disciples in cuneiform mathematical texts, Abstract,  ESHS 6th meeting, Lisboa, September 4th, 2014
♦ Contrasts and correspondences between different kinds of numbers and quantities: metrological tables from Late Babylonian Nippur and Uruk, Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, January 5, 2015
♦ Rule of three in Late Babylonian mathematical texts: regular / non regular numbers, reciprocals and approximation, Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, February 15, 2015
♦ Procedures in Late Babylonian mathematical texts from Uruk: conversions, arithmetical and geometrical progressions, Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, March 6, 2015
Mathematical texts from the “House of āšipus” in Uruk, Abstract, conference Uruk, March 23, 2015
Making equivalent volume, brickage and capacity in Old Babylonian mathematical texts, Abstract, workshop Math & Realia, June 26, 2015
Steps without meaning in Old Babylonian mathematical procedures, Abstract, int’l conf, Xian, August 23, 2015
How thought shapes language: a brief historiographical overview and some examples selected among mathematical cuneiform texts from late Old Babylonian period, Abstract, seminar HSHT, February 11, 2016
Cultures of quantification: multiple ways of evaluating surfaces in Mesopotamia,  Abstract, seminar Practices, March 2, 2016
Numbers, quantities and magnitudes in mathematical cuneiform texts: historiographical and historical approaches,  Abstract, Mainz, July 30, 2016
David Eugene Smith and the writing of the history of mathematics: number stories, Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Proust Christine & Ouyang Xiaoli
♦ Marginal Numbers and the Sexagesimal Place Value Notation in Mesopotamia during the Ur III Period (c. 2112-2004 BCE) Abstract

Q –
Qu Anjing
♦ Numerical Algorithm System in Ancient China, Abstract, seminar MPAS, March 14, 2014
♦ Planetary Theory in Ancient China, Abstract, seminar MPAS, March 21, 2014

R –
Rabault Pascale
Oriental languages and the development of comparative linguistics in the 19th century, Abstract, seminar Historiography, May 12, 2016
Rabouin David
Wallis as an historian of Algebra, Abstract, seminar Historiography, November 13, 2015
Raggetti Lucia
Divinare oportet, non legere. Identification and Interpretation of Errors in Arabic Manuscripts on Natural Sciences,  Abstract, conference Mistakes, May 3 , 2016
Raina Dhruv
The `Analytics’ and the Indologists: How the history of mathematics shaped mathematics education in Nineteenth Century India?,  Abstract, seminar Historiography, February 19, 2016
The Translation of Sanskrit and English Mathematical Works: The Relationship between the History and Contemporaneity of Mathematics in Nineteenth Century India and England,  Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Ramasubramanian K.
♦ Glimpses of Karanapaddhati: A unique astronomical treatise, Abstract, seminar MPAS, April 11, 2014
Ramirez Ogando Alfredo Grodecz
♦ Where are the leap days in the Mesoamerican calendar? Abstract, seminar MPAS, March 21, 2014
Raphals Lisa
♦ Which Cycles?: Early Chinese Representations of Cycles in the Astral sciences, Abstract, seminar MPAS, April 11, 2014
Rheinberger Hans-Jörg
Glimpses into the Space Between Laboratory and Discipline, Abstract, seminar Practices, March 2, 2016
Rochberg Francesca
The Ancient Astral Sciences of Babylonia and the Greco-Latin World:  Highways and Byways of Comparison, Abstract, seminar Historiography, May 20, 2016
The Historiography of Ancient Exact Sciences and the Demarcation Problem, Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Rossi Corinna
♦ Ancient Egypt: Planning and cutting the royal tombs in the Valley of the Kings, Presentation, seminar HMHEFP, April 6, 2012
Rost Stephanie
The administration of irrigation systems in the Umma province of the Ur III state (2112-2004 B.C.), Abstract, workshop Math & Realia, June 26, 2015
Rowe David
♦ Göttingen in Wartime : Felix Klein’s Lectures on the History of 19th-Century Mathematics as a Communal Project,  Abstract, seminar HSHT, November 17, 2011
♦ A Communal Project in Göttingen: On the Evolution of Felix Klein’s Lectures on the History of 19th-Century Mathematics,  Abstract, seminar HSHT, June 12, 2014

S –
Sammarchi Eleanora
♦ Les tableaux et leur règles de formation dans la tradition arithmético-algébrique. Quelques exemples selon la perspective d’al-Zanjani, Abstract, seminar HPM, October 15, 2013
♦ Mistakes and «false mistakes» in Arabic manuscripts on algebra : a case study, Abstract, conference Mistakes, May 2, 2016
Sauvage Martin
♦ Mathematical computations in the management of public works in Mesopotamia (end of the 3rd and beginning of the 2nd millennium BCE), Abstract Presentation, seminar HMHEFP, April 6, 2012
Schmitt Stéphane
♦ Les index et tables alphabétiques dans l’Histoire naturelle et leurs fonctions, Abstract, seminar HSHT, October 21, 2011
♦ The significance of ancient and medieval knowledge in Buffon and his collaborators, Abstract, seminar HSHT, November 15, 2012
Schneider Martina
Dealing with Cultural Diversity in the History of Mathematics: The Case of Moritz Cantor,  Abstract, San Francisco, November 22, 2016
History of (ancient) mathematics in the German biographical lexicon ADB,  Abstract, seminar HSHT, April 14, 2016
Schneider Martina & Chaigneau Pierre
Chaldean/Babylonian mathematics according to Hankel and Cantor, Abstract, seminar Historiography, December 18, 2015
Schneider Martina & Chemla Karine
The reception of Alexander Wylie’s Jottings on the science of the Chinese. Arithmetic in Europe in the 19th and early 20th centuries, Abstract, seminar Historiography, January 22, 2016
The reception of Alexander Wylie’s Jottings on the science of the Chinese. Arithmetic in Europe in the 19th century, Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Sekimoto Noriko
♦ Weight and Measures system and its regional diversification in Vietnam during the Colonial Period, Abstract, seminar Practices, May 22, 2013
Shaw Wendy
Intersecting Narratives, Interpolating Collections: the Museum of Islamic Art, Berlin, Abstract, seminar HSHT, April 16, 2015
Shnider Steve
Mathematical modeling in Babylonian lunar theory according to John Britton, Abstract, seminar MPAS, March 21, 2014
Difference schemes and their relation to interpolation rules in Babylonian lunar ephemerides, Abstract, conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
Sialaros Michalis
Shaping ‘our’ Euclid: a parallel examination of the critical editions of the Elements and the Data (by J. L. Heiberg and H. Menge, respectively), Abstract, conference Shaping Science, June 18, 2013
Sidoli Nathan
♦ The use of physical devices to do computation. Selections from Ptolemy’s Analemma, and Heron’s Dioptra 35, Abstract, HSHT 3-day-meeting, February 5, 2015
♦ Episodes in Greek Trigonometry,  Abstract, seminar HPM, February 9, 2015
Ptolemy’s approximation techniques to compute the ratio of the epicycle of planets. Selections from Almagest X.6-7, Abstract, handout, 3-month workshop MPAS, February 27, 2015
Geometrical analysis and trigonometry in Greco-Roman mathematics, Abstract, conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
Smadja Ivahn
♦ More on Brahmagupta in Germany : Which Quadrilaterals ? Which Proofs ? Abstract, seminar HPM, June 30, 2014
History of Mathematics, the Crisis of the European Sciences and the Humboldtian Tradition, Abstract, HSS annual meeting, San Francisco, November 22, 2015
Crossing Borders: Henry Thomas Colebrooke and his European readers, Abstract, seminar Historiography, January 8, 2016
On Two Conjectures That Shaped the Historiography of Indeterminate Analysis : Strachey and Chasles on Sanskrit Sources,  Abstract, seminar HPM, March 3, 2016
Making Sense of Brahmagupta: European Selves in the Mirror of Ancient Sanskrit Mathematical Sources, Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Smith Justin
What Do Historians of Philosophy Study? Some Methodological Problems in Defining a Corpus without Boundaries, Abstract, seminar Historiography, June 29, 2015
The ‘Hard Problem’ of Comparative Intellectual History: The Case of Europe and India, Abstract, seminar Historiography, May 20, 2016
Smith Pamela
♦ Why write a book? Artisanal experience and the written word in early modern Europe, Abstract, seminar HSHT, January 19, 2012
Solares Pineda Diana
Le calcul et les nombres écrits, un espace de tension entre des travailleurs agricoles,Calculation and numerical writings, a space of conflict between agricultural workers, Résumé/Abstract, seminar Practices, May 4, 2016
Soler Lena
♦ Etudier les pratiques scientifiques : étudier quoi ? A la place de quoi ? Abstract, seminar Practices, February 8, 2012
Sørensen Henrik Kragh
♦ Appropriating role models for the mathematical profession: Biographies in the American Mathematical Monthly around 1900, Abstract, seminar HSHT, May 12, 2016
Staack Thies
Legal Manuscripts from Tombs: Some Reflections on their Possible Compilation, Use and Function, Abstract, seminar HSHT, November 25, 2015
Steele John
♦ Description, Calculation, Measurement: Different Uses of Numbers and Quantities in Babylonian Astronomy, Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, January 5, 2015
♦ Numbers and Units in Babylonian astronomy: The Case of the Rising Time Schemes and the Ziqpu-Star Texts, Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, January 16, 2015
Astronomical Activity in the ‘House of the āšipus’ in Uruk, Abstract, conference Uruk, March 23, 2015
Babylonian Shadow-Length Schemes: Between Mathematics and Astronomy, Abstract, conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
Description, Calculation, Measurement: Different Uses of Numbers and Quantities in Babylonian Astronomy, Abstract, seminar Historiography, December 18, 2015
Steingart Alma
The Cold War Antiquities: Histories of Mathematics in the Postwar United States, Abstract, seminar historiography, February 19, 2016

T –
Tatarchenko Ksenia
Old Truths for Tomorrow: Sketching Professional, Popular and Amateur Histories of Ancient Mathematics in the Soviet Union, Abstract, seminar Historiography, February 19, 2016
OOld Truths for Tomorrow: Cold War Computing, Disciplinary Myth-making, and the Histories of Ancient Mathematics in the Soviet Union, Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Teshima Hideki
Vedic Measure System and Its Application in the Ritual Field, Abstract, conference Rituals, June 8, 2016
Thote Alain
Les manuscrits de la région de Jingzhou au IIe s. avant notre ère : contexte archéologique, Résumé, seminar HSHT, November 25, 2015
Tian Miao
Western and Chinese Algebraic Methods in 19th Century Chinese Historical Works, Abstract, seminar HPM, January 11, 2016
Historical study and the Practices of mathematics in 18th and 19th century China, Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Tihon Anne
♦ An astronomical syntax, based on Hipparchus: the Papyrus Fouad inv 267 A, Abstract, seminar MPAS, December 19, 2014
Timmerman Anke
♦ Speaking volumes : a critical look at the History of Alchemy and its manuscript sources, Abstract, seminar Practices, June 12, 2013
Tolsa Christian
♦ Ptolemy’s bridge between mathematical astronomy and Platonic philosophy, Abstract, seminar MPAS, November 14, 2014

V –
Valente Stefano
Mercury, silver, or just the Moon? On some misinterpretations and errors in Byzantine alchemical manuscripts, Abstract, conference Mistakes, May 2, 2016
Van Brummelen Glenn
♦ Precision and Approximation in Ancient Greek and Medieval Islamic Mathematical Astronomy, Abstract, seminar MPAS, June 20, 2014
Al-Kashi’s Two Methods of Determining sin(1 degree): Finding Roots and Changing Paths, Abstract, conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
Vandendriessche Eric
♦ The ’elementary operations’ of the string figures algorithms, Abstract, seminar HSHT, November 14, 2011
Estimations des quantités d’ignames dans les îles Trobrian / Estimating quantities of yams in the Trobriand Islands,  RésuméAbstract, seminar HPM, April 4, 2016
Lévy-Bruhl’s theory on ‘prelogical mentality’ and its influence on the field of history and philosophy of science,  Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Vander Linden Marc
Archaeological culture, material culture or culture? Material and anthropological dimensions of a debated concept, Abstract, seminar Practices, May 4, 2016
Vlahakis George
Greeks on Hellenes, Ancient Greek scientific texts critically edited in 18th-19th century Greece, Abstract, conference Shaping Science, June 21, 2013

W –
Wagner Donald B.
♦ Mathematics and the planning of public works in China, Han to Yuan, Presentation  Handout, seminar HMHEFP, April 6, 2012
Wang Xiaofei
♦ The reform of measurements and weights in the French Revolution and the changes in teaching arithmetic,  Abstract, seminar Historiography, April 15, 2016
Wang Xiaohu
Simulating Clepsydra: Two Methods of Time Measurement for Military in Ancient China,  Abstract,
conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
Watson Rita
♦ Writing, Theory, and Conceptual Change, Abstract, seminar HSHT, February 20, 2014
♦ A Cognitive Perspective on a Babylonian Astronomical Text, Abstract, seminar MPAS, February 21, 2014
Wee John
♦ A Choice of Microcosms: Dodekatemoria Models and the Calendar Text System, Abstract, seminar MPAS, October 17, 2014
Weijers Olga
♦ The practice of knowledge in the Medieval universities, Abstract, seminar Practices, April 11, 2012
Wilden Eva
♦ Text, pretext, paratext — commentaries in manuscripts of the Tamil literary-grammatical tradition,  Abstract, seminar HSHT, November 13, 2014
Wu Yan
The Issue of Calendar Era in the Context of the Formation of National Awareness in Modern China,  Abstract, seminar Historiography, June 17, 2016
The Replacement of Traditional Ceremonies in the Process of the Movement for “Abolishing the Traditional Calendar and Promoting the National Calendar”: Focusing on the Memorial Day of the Birth of Confucius,  Abstract, conference Rituals, June 8, 2016

Y –
Yano Michio
♦ Traditional Indian calendar — living and changing, Abstract, workshop Calendars, December 9, 2011
♦ Indian elements of al-Khwarizmi’s astronomy,  Abstract, seminar HPM, May 19, 2014
♦ Astral sciences and rituals in India with reference to ayanaAbstract, exploratory workshop Rituals, March 19, 2015
Geometrical model and observation in Indian astronomyAbstract, conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
Astrology and rituals in India – with special references to the Muhūrtacintāmaṇi, Abstract, conference Rituals, June 7, 2016

Z –
Zheng Cheng & Zhu Yiwen
The First Printed Edition of Mathematical Treatise in Nine Sections (Shushu jiuzhang 數書九章 ) and the Text Criticism during 17th to 19th century , Abstract, conference Shaping Science, June 17, 2013

Zhou Xiaohan
How Did Chinese scholars treat the Western mathematical procedures and their similar traditional methods: A case Study on the double false position method in the early 17th century, Abstract, seminar HPM, February 15th, 2016
Mathematical knowledge and the books in which it was printed–Examining mathematics in the Ming dynasty (1368-1644 CE) from the perspective of printing, Abstract, seminar HSHT, May 12th, 2016
Diverse scholars’ Ways of dealing with the “Method Duoji” (Duoji Shu) in 19th  and 20th China,  Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Zhou Xiaohan & Chen Zhihui
Establishing the orthodox: Writing and editing biographies of practitioners in the mathematical sciences in Chinese Qing Dynasty – 塑造传统:中国清代对畴人传记的编写, Abstract, seminar HSHT, April 14, 2016

Zhu Yiwen
♦ Different mathematical cultures in Tang time period as revealed by the treatment of measured quantities,  Abstract, EACS 19th conference, September 4, 2012
♦ The Way of Writing Treatises on Harmonics and Calendars(Lü Li zhi 律曆志) in 7th century China,  Abstract, workshop Li Chunfeng, November 29, 2012
♦ Another Culture of Computation from 7th century China Abstract
♦ Moving counting rods into text: The change of language and content of Chinese mathematics Presentation
♦ Positions of counting rods in ancient China, Abstract, seminar HMHEF, January 6, 2012
♦ Differentiate different numbers and present processes in manuscript and block-printed cultures, Abstract, seminar HSHT, April 25, 2013
♦ The Use of a traditional method (Fangcheng) in Calendric Calculations in ancient China,  Abstract, seminar MPAS, April 11, 2014
Commentaries on ritual numbers through different mathematical knowledges in 7th century China,  Abstract, exploratory workshop Rituals, March 20, 2015
Uncovering Astronomical Procedures Using Counting-diagrams: The Case of Qin Jiushao’s Writing on Chinese Remainder Theorem,  Abstract, conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
Commentaries on numbers of ritual through different mathematical knowledges in seventh century China,  Abstract, conference Rituals, June 8, 2016
Zou Dahai & Chen Wei
♦ Methods for the calculation of fields and the land system in the middle ancient period of China: The impact of equal-field system on land  surveying, Abstract, seminar, May 11, 2012
Zysk Kenneth
Numerical Physiognomy in Ancient India, Abstract, seminar MPAS, December 14, 2014