Here are gathered the resources – abstracts, handouts, presentations, introductions – from SAW project’s events, as well as papers given by SAW team members at external events.
Authors : A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q – R – S – T – U – V – W – X – Y – Z
Abgrall Philippe
♦ Le recours au théorème des sinus pour résoudre certains problèmes liés à l’astrolabe, par Ibn ‘Irāq , Abstract, seminar HPM, February 9, 2015
Alivernini Sergio
♦ The mathematical knowledge during the 3rd dynasty of Ur in the light of land surveying texts: Measurement techniques and officials in charge, Abstract, seminar HMHEFP, May 11, 2012
Arrault Alain
♦ Calendars, hemerological calculations, manuals of calendar annotations in China, Abstract, seminar MPAS, December 19, 2014
B – ⇑
Beaulieu Paul-Alain
♦ Cross-fertilization between Greek and Babylonian Thought in Seleucid Uruk, Abstract, conference Uruk, March 24, 2015
Benes Tuska
♦ Mathematics after the Linguistic Turn of the Early Nineteenth Century: Three Frameworks, Abstract, seminar HSHT, February 11, 2016
Berthold Cornelius
♦ Contradicting classical stemmatology? The probably oldest copy of the Kitab al-Zina and its many mistakes, Abstract, conference Mistakes, May 2, 2016
Bompaire Marc
♦ Calculations on currencies. Mathematicians’ approaches, Practitionners’ approaches : the case of French money-changers books from the XIVth and XVth centuries, Abstract, seminar HPM, March 10, 2014
Brack-Bernsen Lis
♦ Babylonian Astronomy: prediction and calculation of the Lunar Six and eclipses, Abstract, seminar MPAS, March 14, 2014
♦ Numerical functions describing periodic astronomical phenomena in Mesopotamia, Abstract, seminar MPAS, April 11, 2014
Bréard Andrea
♦ Interpolation techniques in mathematics and astronomy: traces from Han to Yuan dynasty China, Abstract, seminar MPAS, June 20, 2014
Bretelle-Establet Florence
♦ What do citations tell us on the medical culture of the Far South? What do medical literature tells us on the practice of citation? Abstract, seminar HSHT, April 5, 2012
♦ A bibliographical review on the practice of citation approached from different standpoints and disciplines, Abstract, , seminar HSHT, February 20, 2014
♦ Uses and Functions of Quotations in Chinese Medical Texts, Abstract, seminar HSHT, December 13, 2012
♦ Parts and Tables of Contents in Chinese Medical Texts, Abstract, seminar HSHT, March 10, 2016
♦ The Making of the Morrison Collection of Chinese Books, Abstract, seminar HSHT, June 9, 2016
Brita Antonella
♦ Relocating Ethiopic manuscripts in time: mistakes affecting dates in the colophons, Abstract, conference Mistakes, May 2, 2016
Brockmann Christian
♦ Errors and corrections in some manuscripts of Aristotle and Galen, Abstract, conference Mistakes, May 3, 2016
Brunke Hagan
♦ Equivalencies: the neo-Sumerian administrative evidence, Abstract, workshop Math & Realia, June 26, 2015
Buchwald Jed
♦ Hieroglyphs, astronomy and religion in the in Napoleonic and restoration France, or the Dendera Affair, Abstract, seminar Historiographie, March 16, 2015
Bullynck Maarten
♦ Transfers and transformations of numerals. The brothers Humboldt at the crossroads of disciplines (1819-1835), Abstract, seminar HPM, June 30,2014
♦ Sublanguages, their use in the history of science, an exploration Abstract / Sous-langages, leur usage en histoire des sciences. Une exploration Résumé, seminar HSHT, December 10, 2015
♦ The edition of Gauss’ works and Goettingen’s self-portrayal / Die Gauss-Edition als Projektionsflaeche Goettingischer Selbstdarstellung, Abstract, seminar HPM, December 14, 2015
Bullynck Maarten & Durand-Richard Marie-José
♦ Douglas R. Hartree (1891-1958) : les méthodes d’approximation à l’épreuve de l’ordinateur, Abstract, seminar HPM, December 15, 2014
Bustamante Martha Cecilia
♦ Orality and writing in Emile Borel’s notebook, Abstract, seminar HSHT, June 12, 2014
♦ Some comments regarding Paul Ricoeur’s view on trace, Abstract / Quelques commentaires sur la notion de trace chez Paul Ricoeur, Résumé, seminar HSHT, December 10, 2015
C – ⇑
Cancik-Kirschbaum Eva
♦ Encoding language – decoding script: the case of cuneiform, Abstract, seminar HSHT, February 11, 2016
Cao Jin
♦ Weighing, Counting, and Calculating Coins in Ancient China, Abstract, seminar HPM, March 10, 2014
Chabas José
♦ Equations and velocities of the Sun and the Moon in the Zij al-Sindhind by al-Khwarizmi, Abstract, seminar HPM, May 19, 2014
Chaigneau Pierre
♦ Some links between Otto Neugebauer’s work and the history of ancient sciences as made before him in Germany, Abstract, seminar HPM, June 30, 2014
♦ Some precisions for a philology of numbers in cuneiform mathematics and astronomy, Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, February 20, 2015
♦ Comparisons around Egyptian mathematics in Otto Neugebauer and Kurt Vogel’s dissertations, Abstract, seminar HPM, April 13, 2015
♦ A procedure text on volume calculations: BM 85196, Abstract, workshop Math & Realia, June 26, 2015
♦ The use of algebraic formulas in the commentaries on mathematical cuneiform texts: the case of the tablet BM 85196, Abstract / L’utilisation de formules algébriques dans les commentaires sur les textes mathématiques cunéiformes : le cas de la tablette BM 85196, Résumé, seminar HSHT, January 7, 2016
♦ In the jungle of Mesopotamian metrologies: on Thureau-Dangin’s first approach to cuneiform numbers and quantities, Abstract, seminar Historiography, April 15, 2016
♦ Errors in mathematical procedure texts from the Old Babylonian period: the work of a poorly educated scribe? / Erreurs dans les textes mathématiques à procédures de la période Paléo-babylonienne : l’œuvre d’un scribe moyennement éduqué ?, Abstract, conference Mistakes, May 3, 2016
Chaigneau Pierre & Mélès Baptiste
♦ On formulas for computing both the volume of a truncated pyramid and the circumference of hermeneutic circles, Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Charmantier Isabelle
♦ Carl Linnaeus’ Paper slips, Abstract, seminar HSHT, November 21, 2013
Chaussende Damien
♦ Les monographies selon le Traité de l’historien parfait (Shitong) de Liu Zhiji (661-721), Abstract, worshop Treatises, December 1, 2012
Chemla Karine
♦ Observing the practice of operations and capturing changing theoretical insights. Views inspired by the earliest known Chinese mathematical sources, Abstract, Copenhagen, November 28, 2011
♦ The divide between proof and computation: historiographic and historical remarks, Abstract, Int’l Workshop Paris, December 12, 2011
♦ Numbers and operations in contexts linked to administration and astronomy in ancient China, Abstract, seminar SAW, Paris, December 16, 2011
♦ How tacit is tacit knowledge? Or: Looking for sources to approach tacit knowledge, Abstract, Oberwolfach, January 8, 2012
♦ How to capture theoretical work carried out on operations on the basis of sources from ancient China? Abstract, seminar HPM, February 13, 2012
♦ Names of operations in ancient China: Which hints can we read from them?, Abstract, seminar HMHEFP, June 15, 2012
♦ Observing mathematical practices as a key to mining our sources and conducting conceptual history. Division in ancient China as a case study, Abstract, Nancy, June 19, 2012
♦ Rethinking computation. Reflections based on ancient Chinese sources, Abstract, Brussels, September 3, 2012
♦ Approaching the scientific work at play in the analysis of standard measuring vessel in ancient China (3rd—7th centuries), Abstract, EACS 19th conference, September 4, 2012
♦ The meaning of parts in mathematical texts. The example of chapters in mathematical writings from ancient China, Abstract, London, September 10, 2012
♦ Elements of a history of an international historiography of science, Abstract, Paris, October 1, 2012
♦ Working on and with division in early China Abstract
♦ Features of quantities and computation in ancient China (Place-value number system; abstract numbers and their relation to questions of units, unit prizes, and equivalences), Abstract, workshop CCQ, February 15, 2013
♦ Mathematical approaches to the gnomon in ancient China, Abstract, seminar MPAS, February 14, 2014
♦ Abstraction in ancient Chinese mathematical writings and parts of texts, Abstract, seminar HSHT, February 21, 2013
♦ Commentaries on mathematical texts. Results and new questions, Abstract, sem HSHT, May 22, 2014
♦ Various types of numbers, various types of approximations in early Chinese writings on mathematics and astral sciences, Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, January 16, 2015
♦ Mathematical reasoning in early writings on astral science, Abstract, seminar MPAS, February 15, 2015
♦ Conjunctions between the sun and the moon, and pursuit problems. Mathematical reasoning in Chinese writings on astral sciences, Abstract, conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
♦ Mathematical reasoning and computation in the early astral sciences in China, Abstract, Int’l conference Xi’an, August 23, 2015
♦ Mathematical cultures in ancient China. Previous views and new insights, Abstract, seminar Practices, December 3, 2015
♦ How 19th century writings about the history of mathematics in China were shaped by comparison, Abstract, Bergamo, February 26, 2016
♦ Remarks on the historiography of the Chinese remainder theorem in the 19th and 20th century, Abstract, seminar HPM, March 7, 2016
♦ Calculer avec des positions, calculer avec des tables en Chine ancienne, Séminaire Codes sources 2016
les diapos de la conférence et l’enregistrement audio, Résumé, April 13, 2016
♦ Publishing on the history of mathematics at the end of the 18th and in the 19th century in France, Abstract, seminar HSHT, May 12, 2016
♦ How has one, and how could one, approach the diversity of mathematical cultures? Abstract, 7ECM – Berlin 2016
Chemla Karine, Chen Zhihui, Daniel Morgan & Zhou Xiaohan
♦ 19th century uses of comparison in the historiography of mathematics and astral sciences in China, Abstract, seminar Historiography, May 20, 2016
Chemla Karine & Daniel Morgan
♦ Math Lessons: Towards an Interdisciplinary Approach to an Early Chinese Manuscript Culture, lecture,
Joint Workshop CSMC-SAW, May 8, 2014
♦ The production of integers and mathematical operations in writings on astral sciences in ancient China, Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, January 23, 2015
Chemla Karine & Li Liang
♦ Arithmetic progressions and motions of astral bodies in ancient China, Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, January 23, 2015
♦ Progressions, motions and changes in the astral sciences of ancient China, Abstract,
conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
Chemla Karine & Ma Biao
♦ Management of grains, measuring units, and the imperial policy of the Qin and the Han, Abstract, seminar HMHEFP, March 9, 2012
♦ Measuring grains in early China Abstract
Chemla Karine & Zou Dahai
♦ Parts in Chinese mathematical texts, Abstract, seminar xxx, October 15, 2012
Chen Zhihui
♦ Calculating Ancient Chronology by Ancient Astral-mathematical Methods: Mid-Qing Scholars’ Studies on the Chronology of Confucian Classics, Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, February 13, 2015
♦ How Did Mid-Qing Scholars Use Ancient Calendrical Methods to Calculate Dates of Events Mentioned in Confucian Canons? — A Study Focusing on Li Rui’s Zhaogao Riming Kao, Abstract, conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
♦ Wylie’s Comparative Study on Sino-Western Transmission of Astral Sciences in Ancient China: The Case of the Synthesis Study on the Weekly Calendrical System, Abstract, seminar HPM, April13, 2015
♦ Comparisons between Tianyuan, Siyuan Procedures and Algebra Drawn by Wylie and Li Shanlan, Abstract, seminar HIstoriography, June 1st, 2015
♦ Alexander Wylie’s Comparisons of Algebra between China and Europe, and Its Historiographical Provenance, Abstract, Dayan Forum, Hohhot, China, September 11, 2015
♦ On the Rediscovery of the Jade Mirror of the Four Origins, and its Interpretations by Luo Shilin and Shen Qinpei, Abstract, seminar HSHT, January 7, 2016
♦ Wylie’s translation of the terminologies for the traditional Chinese mathematics, Abstract, seminar Historiography, January 22, 2016
♦ Confucian scholars’ attitudes towards the Western astral-mathematical knowledge in the early 19th century — a study of on the civil examination and correspondence resources, Abstract, seminar HPM, February 15, 2016
♦ Shifting to sinological tradition and science: Alexander Wylie’s study on the history of astral sciences in China, with a comparison with his historiography of mathematics, Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Chen Zhihui & Zhou Xiaohan
♦ Establishing the orthodox: Writing and editing biographies of practitioners in the mathematical sciences in Chinese Qing Dynasty – 塑造传统:中国清代对畴人传记的编写, Abstract, seminar HSHT, April 14, 2016
Chorlay Renaud & Cécile de Hosson
♦ History and science and mathematics education: methodological issues, Abstract, seminar HPM, November 17, 2014
Clancier Philippe
♦ The Urukean scholars from the end of the Achaemenid period to the beginning of the Arsacid era, Abstract, conference Uruk, March 23, 2015
Colonna d’Istria Laurent
♦ The fractions 1/3 and 2/3 in the Šakkanakku period and their genesis, Abstract, workshop Math & Realia, June 26, 2015
Confalonieri Sara
♦ Le De Regula Aliza de Jerôme Cardan, ou comment éviter le casus irreducibilis, Abstract, seminar HSHT, April 15, 2013
Cooper Jerry
♦ Editing the Sumerians – How and Why? Abstract, conference Shaping Science, June 20, 2013
D – ⇑
David Béatrcie
♦ A preliminary investigation of the ritual use of the calendar and the oracular script of the Sui (Guizhou, South-West China), Abstract, conference Rituals, June 8, 2016
De Courtenay Nadine
♦ Two different roles units can play in the mathematical formulation of physical relations, Abstract, seminar Historiography, April 15, 2016
De Hosson Cécile & Chorlay Renaud
♦ History and science and mathematics education: methodological issues, Abstract, seminar HPM, November 17, 2014
De Jong Teije
♦ The Babylonian zodiac: a mathematician’s view of the sky, Abstract, seminar MPAS, January 17, 2014
♦ The rediscovery of Babylonian Astronomy: a historiographic narrative, Abstract, seminar Historiography, December 18, 2015
De Varent Charlotte
♦ Relations between history of mathematics and mathematics education: a case study, Abstract, seminar HPM, November 17, 2014
♦ Apports de la diversité de systèmes métrologiques anciens à l’enseignement aujourd’hui: réflexion croisée avec les manuels scolaires de CM2 / Contributions of ancient metrological systems’ diversity to the teaching of today: comparative reflections with elementary textbooks from the fifth grade, Résumé / Abstract, seminar HPM, April 4, 2016
Decaens Simon
♦ The history of American abstract algebra, two accounts by E. T. Bell and G. Birkhoff, Abstract, seminar HPM, January 11, 2016
Decorps Micheline
♦ Le texte des Coniques d’Apollonius : les étapes d’une construction, Abstract, seminar HSHT, February 9, 2012
♦ The critical edition of the mathematical texts of Greek Antiquity: questions of method, Abstract, conference Shaping Science, June 19, 2013
♦ Un exemple de commentaire mathématique à la fin de l’Antiquité : le commentaire d’Eutocius d’Ascalon aux Coniques d’Apollonius de Perge, Abstract, seminar HSHT, May 22, 2014
Defoort Carine
♦ Mozi’s Resurrection: Sun Yirang’s (1848-1908) Contribution to the Reappraisal of Mohist Thought in Chinese Intellectual History, Abstract, conference Shaping Science, June 20, 2013
Dehouve Danièle
♦ Cycles du calendrier et usages sociaux des nombres calendaires chez les anciens Mexicains, Abstract, seminar MPAS, January 17, 2014
Dessagnes Magali
♦ Meeting on the “Collections used in The History of Science – Scholarly value, market value, patrimonial value“, Presentation, seminar HSHT, April 16, 2015
♦ Gejou Elias, example of the antiquarian profession in the nineteenth century and main
supplier tablets collections cuneiform of his time, Abstract, seminar HSHT, April 16, 2015
Dupré Sven
♦ Reconstructing recipes between technical art history and the history of science and technology, Abstract, seminar Practices, June 12, 2013
Durand-Richard Marie-José
♦ Le point de vue des algébristes anglais sur l’historiographie de l’algèbre / The English algebraists’ view of historiography of algebra, Abstract Résumé, seminar HPM, January 11, 2016
♦ The English Algebraists: from the practice of arithmetics to its theory, Abstract, seminar Historiography, April 15, 2016
E – ⇑
Englund Robert K
♦ Grain and time calculations in the 4th millennium BC Mesopotamia, Handout Slides, seminar HMHEFP, March 9, 2012
Eckes Christophe
♦ Autour de la publication des œuvres complètes de Hermann Minkowski par David Hilbert, Andreas Speiser et Hermann Weyl, Abstract, seminar HPM, December 14, 2015
F – ⇑
Falk Sebastian
♦ Amateur astronomers learning with tables: the case of the Equatorie of the Planetis, Abstract, HSHT 3-day-meeting, January 15, 2015
Feldhay Rivka
♦ Jesuit Philosophers-Mathematicians and the Aristotelian Tradition, Abstract, seminar Historiography, June 8, 2015
Friedrich Michael
♦ When mistakes start making sense: ‘scribal errors’ in Laozi A from Mawangdui 3, Abstract, conference Mistakes, May 3, 2016
G – ⇑
Garcia Antonio
♦ Orality, writing and the learning of chemistry, Abstract, seminar HSHT, June 12, 2014
Ganeri Jonardon
♦ Pluralism about Epistemic Cultures: Reflecting on the Sanskrit Knowledge Systems, Abstract, seminar Practices, December 3, 2015
Gautschy Rita
♦ Angles of obscuration in Late Babylonian eclipse reports, Abstract, seminar MPAS, January 17, 2014
Giele Enno
♦ Bamboo, Wood, Silk, and Paper: The Writing Materials of Early China, Abstract, seminar HSHT, January 23, 2014
♦ Tombs and Money, Abstract, seminar HSHT, November 25, 2015
Goldschmidt Asaf
♦ Measuring the Body – Locating Acupuncture Loci during the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127), Abstract, EACS 19conf, September 4, 2012
Gonçalves Carlos
♦ The Size of the Things – Metrological Practices in the Old Babylonian Diyala, Abstract, workshop Math & Realia, June 26, 2015
Goodman Howard
♦ Dynamic Domains of Activity in Early Chinese Harmonometrics and Their Astral Crossovers and Caesuras, Abstract, seminar MPAS, November 14, 2014
Graheli Alessandro
♦ The Impact of the Press in the Tradition of the Nyāyabhāṣya, Abstract, conference Shaping Science, June 17, 2013
Guenzi Caterina
♦ The tree of jyotiṣa and its branches. Ritual and therapeutic uses of astral sciences in contemporary India, Abstract, seminar MPAS, November 14, 2014
Guo Jinhai
♦ The Use of Ancient Chinese Mathematical Texts in the New Schools established during the Late Qing Dynasty, Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Gysembergh Victor
♦ “Greek” science, “Babylonian” science? A vexata quaestio in the historiography of science, Abstract, seminar Historiography, December 18, 2015
H – ⇑
Habib Irfan
♦ Legitimating the present through mis-readings of the past: New historiographies of science in South Asia, Abstract, seminar Historiography, June 17, 2016
Haffner Emmylou
♦ Arithmetic operations as generalisation tool: Dedekind’s approach, Abstract, seminar HSHT, February 13, 2012
♦ Quelques remarques sur l’édition des Gesammelte Werke de Riemann par Dedekind et Weber/Some remarks on Dedekind and Weber’s edition of Riemann’s Gesammelte Werke, Résumé – Abstract, seminar HPM, December 14, 2015
Han Qi
♦ Rethinking the Ancient Mathematical Text: Ming-Qing Scholars’ Critical Reflections on the Zhoubi suanjing, Abstract, conference Shaping Science, June 21, 2013
♦ Creating a New Paradigm: Mei Juecheng (1681-1764) and His Use of European Algebra in the Interpretation of Chinese Traditional Mathematics, Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Hanson Marta
♦ Understanding is Within One’s Grasp (liaoran zai wo 瞭然在握): Hand Mnemonics and Chinese Arts of Memory, Abstract, seminar HSHT, november 21, 2013
Harbsmeier Christoph
♦ Aspects of philosophy of numbers in relation to the lexicalized gramm of number words in pre-Buddhist and Classical Chinese, Abstract, EACS 19th conference, September 4, 2012
Hayek Matthias
♦ Cosmograms, Temporalities, and Computations in premodern Japan, Abstract, seminar MPAS, October 17, 2014
♦ Rotating Disks and Straight Rulers: Paper Instruments in Japanese Early Modern Divination Manuals Abstract, HSHT 3-day-meeting, February 19, 2015
Hirose Sho
♦ A beginner’s guide for using the gnomon with Examples, by Paramesvara in his Goladipika, Abstract, seminar MPAS, February 14, 2014
♦ Astronomy preserved in Trivandrum, India: Some examples of manuscripts in libraries and private houses with reference to its practice, Abstract, Joint Workshop CSMC-SAW, May 8, 2014
♦ The dual illumination of the sphere: Comparing the two versions of the Goladīpikā by Parameśvara, Abstract, seminar HPM, May 19, 2014
♦ Instructions for drawing on the ground in some Sanskrit sources, Abstract, seminar MPAS, October 17, 2014
♦ Revision or new work? What lies between the two Goladīpikās, Abstract, seminar HSHT, Nov. 13, 2014
♦ Units to measure the arcs of orbits. Bhāskara’s commentary on the Āryabhaṭīya, Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, January 23, 2015
♦ Reasonings in the Goladīpikā of Parameśvara, Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, January 30, 2015
♦ What were the functions of the armillary sphere in Paramesvara’s Goladīpikā? Abstract, HSHT 3-day-meeting, February 5, 2015
♦ Explanations on planes, explanations in space: the usage of the armillary sphere in Parameśvara’s Goladīpikā, Abstract, conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
♦ Observation versus Computation in Indian Astronomy, Abstract, seminar Historiography, March 18, 2016
♦ Do numbers matter? Mistakes occurring in commentaries for working examples in a Sanskrit astronomical treatise, Abstract, conference Mistakes, May 2, 2016
Hirose Sho, Keller Agathe & Montelle Clemency
♦ Comparing a corpus of commentarial texts on Armillary Spheres: Bhāskara, Pṛthūdhaka, Āmarāja, Parameśvara, Abstract, Three month worshop MPAS, March 13, 2015
Hirschi Caspar
♦ Handwriting in Print: Graphological Publications during the Dreyfus Affair, Abstract, seminar HSHT, March 10, 2016
Hon Giora
♦ Accuracy and Precision : Two Aspects of Approximation, Abstract, seminar HPM, January 13, 2014
Høyrup Jens
♦ On the notion of “Exp10 (log10 (modulo 1))” – observations of a former teacher of engineering students on the use of the slide rule, Handout, seminar HMHEFP, January 6, 2012
♦ What is “geometric algebra”, and what has it been in historiography? Abstract, seminar HPM, January 11, 2016
Hsia Florence
♦ Reconstructing science in sinographic archives, Abstract, seminar Historiography, November 13, 2015
♦ How to talk about Chinese astronomy?, Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Hudeček Jiří
♦ Between Evidential Scholarship and New Humanism: Li Yan and Qian Baocong as Historians of Chinese Mathematics, Abstract, seminar Historiography, February 19, 2016
♦ History of mathematics in the service of modernization in 20th century China, Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Hunger Hermann
♦ Arithmetical methods applied to the daily motions of celestial bodies in Babylonian astronomy, Abstract, seminar MPAS, February 21, 2014
♦ Numerical schemes in Babylonian astrology, Abstract, seminar MPAS, December 19, 2014
♦ Who produced cuneiform astronomical tables and related texts? Abstract, seminar MPAS, May 23, 2014
♦ Astrological Texts from Late Babylonian Uruk, Abstract, conference Uruk, March 24, 2015
♦ Reasoning involving mathematics in schematic Babylonian astronomy, Abstract, conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
Husson Matthieu
♦ Remarks on John of Murs’ De monetis, Abstract, seminar HPM, March 10, 2014
♦ Evrat de Conty’s translation of Aristotle’s Problems: a look at the manuscript tradition of the problem 35 on music, Abstract, seminar HSHT, March 20, 2014 and May 22, 2014
♦ Confessions of an historian of science at work with manuscripts, Abstract, Joint Workshop CSMC-SAW, May 8, 2014
♦ Emmanuel Poulle’s distinction between geometrical equatory and mathematical equatory in Les instruments de la théorie des planètes selon Ptolémée : équations et horlogerie planétaire du XIIIe au XVIe siècle, Abstract, seminar MPAS, October 17, 2014
♦ Remarks on mean motion computations and fixed sexagesimal place value notation, Abstract, seminar MPAS, January 5, 2015
♦ Editing a Zij at the turn of the 20th century : the case of Carlo Alfonso Nallino (1872-1938), Abstract, seminar HSHT, January 7, 2016
♦ John of Murs’ eclipse computation in the Escorial O II 10, Abstract, HSHT 3-day-meeting, January 15, 2015
♦ Operations on sexagesimal fractions described inside and outside astronomical texts: a comparison, Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS & conference MPAS, January 23 & March 31, 2015
♦ John of Lignières’ instruments of the 1322 tables and their comments by John of Saxony, Abstract, three-month workshop MPAS, March 13, 2015
♦ Conjunction problems in John of Murs’ Quadripartitum numerorum, Abstract, Int’l conference Xi’an, August 23, 2015
♦ Mathematical Practices/ Mathematical cultures: perspectives from late medieval Europe, Abstract, seminar Practices, February 3, 2016
♦ Astronomical tables as handwritten objects: errors, corrections and annotation in the Corpus Christi College Ms 283 fol 114-145, Abstract, conference Mistakes, May 2, 2016
Husson Matthieu & Kremer Richard
♦ Conjunction problems in John of Murs’s Quadripartitum numerorum and syzygy computations, Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, February 13, 2015
I – ⇑
Ikeyama Setsuro
♦ The calculation of Vyatipata, an astrological phenomenon in Indian astrology, Abstract, exploratory workshop Rituals, March 20, 2015
♦ Practical Trigonometry in Indian Astronomy, Abstract, conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
Indraccolo Lisa
♦ Number, Units, and Conceptual Categories. Conceptions and misconceptions about numbers in China and the West, Abstract, seminar Historiography, March 18, 2016
Isahaya Yoishi
♦ Reconsidering Spheres in the Celestial and Terrestrial Dimensions. The Qiyao rangzai jue, Fu tian li, and their application, Abstract, seminar MPAS, May 23, 2014
J – ⇑
Jagadish Agasibagil and Rajaram Hegde
♦ Text and practices: Land measure in South India, with special reference to Karnataka, Abstract, seminar HMHEFP, May 11, 2012
Jones Alexander
♦ Uruk and the Greco-Roman World, Abstract, conference Uruk, March 24, 2015
♦ Approximate results and recursive algorithms in Greek astronomy, Abstract, conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
K – ⇑
Kalinowski Marc
♦ L’expression de la norme lunisolaire du calendrier civil dans l’hémérologie populaire des Qin et des Han, Abstract, seminar MPAS, February 21, 2014
Keller Agathe
♦ Thinking about parikarman: Elementary and fundamental operations in Sanskrit mathematical texts of the 7th-12th centuries, Handout, seminar HPM, November 14, 2011
♦ Using calendars and almanacs in Asia (India, China, Japan), Outline, workshop Calendars, December 9, 2011
♦ Positional and tabular notations in Sanskrit mathematical texts (7th – 10th centuries), Handout Presentation, seminar HMHEFP, January 6, 2012
♦ Taxes in Sanskrit mathematical sources, Presentation, seminar HMHEFP, February 3, 2012
♦ Using grains in medieval Sanskrit mathematical texts, Presentation, biblio, seminar HMHEFP, March 9, 2012
♦ Using Calendars and Almanacs in Asia (India, China, Japan) Introduction
♦ The mathematical chapter of the Aryabhatiya (499) as a compilation of oral rules, Handout, seminar HSHT, November 15, 2012
♦ What do you do with commentaries, what do you do with structure? H. T. Colebrooke, Sudhākara Dvivedin and the mathematical chapter of the Brahmasphuṭasiddhānta, Abstract , conference Shaping Science, June 18, 2013
♦ Sanskrit mathematical texts and practices from the point of view of manuscripts: diagrams, numerical tables and the organization of mathematical chapters in early medieval commentaries, Abstract, Joint Workshop CSMC-SAW, May 8, 2014
♦ Mathematical and textual practices in Sanskrit mathematical commentaries, 7th-10th century, Abstract, seminar HSHT, May 22, 2014
♦ Le chapitre mathématique de l’Āryabhaṭīya (499) comme une compilation de règles orales/ The mathematical chapter of the Āryabhaṭīya (499) as a compilation of oral rules Abstract, seminar HSHT, June 12, 2014
♦ Pṛthūdhaka’s commentary on Brahmagupta’s rules on operations with sexagesimal numbers or measuring units. (BSS.12.62-65), Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, January 16, 2015
♦ Reasonings in Pṛthūdhaka’s commentaries on Brahmagupta, Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, January 30, 2015
♦ Understanding the vikala, Pṛthūdaka’s interpretation of Brahmagupta’s rules on quantities with sexagesimal parts, Abstract, conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
♦ The fruitful analysis of algorithms and their texts: some examples from the Sanskrit, Abstract, Xi’an, China, August 26, 2015
♦ Reclaiming Diversity: The Paradoxes of ‘Vedic Mathematics’, Abstract, San Francisco, November 22, 2015
♦ Contemporary issues mirrored into the past: creating dialogs with mathematical procedures from the Indian subcontinent, Abstract, Zürich, January 14, 2016
♦ Unravelling Libbrecht’s kuṭṭaka / Détricotage du kuṭṭaka, Abstract – Résumé, seminar HPM, March 7, 2016
♦ Listing biographies in histories of mathematics of the Indian subcontinent, Abstract, seminar HSHT, April 14, 2016
♦ Vedic Mathematics and its historiography of «hindu» mathematics, Abstract, seminar Historiography, June 17, 2016
♦ A Historiographical Exploration of Āryabhaṭa’s verses on Indeterminate Problems of the First Degree, Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Keller Agathe & Hirose Sho
♦ On schools, traditions or cultures in Sanskrit mathematical and astral sciences: some considerations, Abstract, seminar Practices, May 4, 2016
Keller Agathe & Singh Catherine
♦ Multiplying Integers: on the diverse practices of medieval Sanskrit authors Abstract
♦ Editions and translations of Sanskrit Mathematical and Astral texts in India at the beginning of the twentieth century, Abstract, seminar Historiography, January 8, 2016
Keller Agathe, Petrocchi Alessandra & Singh Catherine
♦ Cultures of computation: elementary operations and fractions, Abstract, workshop CCQ, January 11, 2013
Keller Agathe & Smadja Ivahn
♦ Why contrasting Greek and Indian mathematics ? Brahmagupta’s rules on cyclic quadrilaterals: cross-readings in XIXth century Europe (1817-1874), Abstract, seminar HPM, May 13, 2013
Knudsen Toke
♦ Bricks real and imaginary: The altar constructions of the Sulbasutras, Abstract, seminar HMHEFP, April 6, 2012
Kremer Richard
♦ Exploring the social world of the medieval Latin astronomical codex, Abstract, seminar HSHT, November 21, 2013
♦ Dialing, geometry and proof in early 16th-century Europe: Stabius’s paper instruments, Abstract, HSHT 3-day-meeting, January 15, 2015
Krul Julia
♦ “Star Anu, Lord of Heaven”: The influence of the celestial sciences on temple rituals in Hellen-istic Uruk and Babylon, Abstract, conference Uruk, March 24, 2015
Kusuba Takanori
♦ Rules and examples for interests and loans in Sanskrit mathematical texts, Abstract, seminar HMHEFP, January 20, 2012
L – ⇑
Lafont Bertrand
♦ Sumerian accounting practices: Some pieces of textual evidence, Abstract Presentation, seminar HMHEFP, February 3, 2012
Lambert Kevin
♦ Counting on Power: George Peacock, the History of Arithmetic and the Late Georgian British Colonial State, Abstract, seminar Historiography, January 8, 2016
Lau Ulrich
♦ The legal manuscripts from Zhangjiashan tomb 247 revisited, Abstract, seminar HSHT, November 25, 2015
Lê François
♦ Geometrical equations: a “cultural system”, Abstract, seminar Practices, February 3, 2016
Lecompte Camille
♦ Procedures for estimating the fields’ and gardens’ surfaces in Pre-Sargonic documentation from Girsu, Abstract, workshop Math & Realia, June 26, 2015
Lee Eunsoo
♦ Makers, Readers, and Translators of Mathematical Diagrams, Abstract, seminar practices, June20, 2016
Lefevbre Julie
♦ A linguistic approach to parts of text : parts of text as marks of the metatextual activity of writers, Abstract, seminar HSHT, February 20, 2014
♦ «Parts of text» and «parts in text»: towards a differentiation, Abstract / «Parts de texte», «parts dans le texte» : éléments pour une différenciation, Résumé, seminar HSHT, December 10, 2015
Lei Hsiang-lin
♦ How Did Chinese Medicine Become Chinese? Re-thinking the conception of culture in understanding Chinese medicine, Abstract, seminar Historiography, June 17, 2016
Leinss Gerhard
♦ Calendars and almanacs in Japan (689 to 1884): formats, contents, users, Abstract, workshop Calendars, December 9, 2011
Lémonon Isabelle
♦ Mme Dupiery’s Table alphabétique et analytique de chimie : What’s to know ? Abstract, , seminar HSHT, January 23, 2014
Léon Jacqueline
♦ Harris’ sublanguages: intermediary objects for text processing, Abstract, seminar HSHT, March 10, 2016
Léong Elaine
♦ Creating Treasuries for Health: Knowledge Codification in the ‘Margins’, Abstract, seminar HSHT, November 13, 2014
Levinovitz Alan & Morgan Daniel
♦ Virtue on Trial: Ritual Archery Competitions and Astronomical Testing in Early China, Abstract, conference Rituals, June 7, 2016
Li Liang
♦ Measuring units and quantities in Chinese ancient astronomic tables, Abstract,
EACS 19th conference, September 4, 2012
♦ How the ephemeris of the sun was compiled in the Ming period? On the Wei du Taiyang Tongjing and the calculation of the sun with Chinese-Islamic System, Abstract, seminar MPAS, May 23, 2014
♦ Procedural table as a tool: The calculations in Chinese calendric astronomy, Abstract, HSHT 3-day-meeting, February 19, 2015
Loewe Michael
♦ The place of figures in the administration of China’s early empires (221 BCE to 220 CE), Abstract, seminar HMHEFP, February 3, 2012
Loveland Jeff & Schmitt Stéphane
♦ Poinsinet’s Edition of the Naturalis Historia (1771-1782) and the Revival of Pliny in the Sciences of the Enlightenment), Abstract, conference Shaping Science, June 21, 2013
M – ⇑
Mak Bill
♦ Ritualistic cyclicity in Indo-Greek astral science – Expressions for various modes of time measurement in the Yavanajātaka, Abstract, exploratory workshop Rituals, March 19, 2015
Malamoud Charles
♦ Compter et mesurer dans l’Arthaśāstra, Abstract, seminar HMHEFP, December 16, 2011
Malet Antoni
♦ Milliet Dechales’s history of mathematics, Abstract, seminar Historiography, November 13, 2015
Maronne Sébastien
♦ Mistakes and the edition of mathematical letters of early modern period, Abstract, conference Mistakes, May 3, 2016
May Natalie
♦ Text and Architecture: YBC 5022 and BM 15285 as “Manuals of an Architect”, Abstract, workshop Math & Realia, June 26, 2015
McClish Mark
♦ The Composition of the Arthaśāstra: On Kauṭilya’s Use of Sources and the Evolution of the Text, Abstract, seminar HSHT, January 23, 2014
Mélès Baptiste
♦ Conceptions of Computation in Historiography of Mesopotamian Mathematics, Abstract, seminar Historiography, March 18, 2016
Michalowski Piotr
♦ The Sumerians Editing – How and Why? Abstract, conference Shaping Science, June 18, 2013
Michel Cécile
♦ Price, interest, and tax calculation by the Old Assyrian merchants (19th century BCE), Abstract, seminar HMHEFP, January 20,2012
♦ When manuscripts take the shape of the object under study: The case of clay liver models, Abstract, Joint Workshop CSMC-SAW, May 8, 2014
♦ The weight system of the Old Assyrian merchants, Abstract, workshop CCQ, February 1, 2013
♦ Legal Texts and Royal Inscriptions with Matters Related to Prices and Regulation. Old Babylonian and Old Assyrian Periods, Abstract, workshop CCQ, February 22, 2013
♦ Conversions in the Old Assyrian trade documentation (19th century BCE), Abstract, workshop CCQ, March 8, 2013
♦ The weight system of the Old Assyrian merchants, Abstract, workshop CCQ, February 1, 2013
♦ When manuscripts take the shape of the object under study: The case of clay liver models, Abstract, Joint Workshop CSMC-SAW, May 8, 2014
♦ Weighing Units, Standards and Weight Artefacts during the Old Assyrian Period, Abstract, workshop Math & Realia, June 26, 2015
Michel Cécile & Middeke-Conlin Robert
♦ Classifying texts in Ancient Mesopotamia; some definitions, Abstract, January 10, 2013
♦ Quantifying with bricks, volume units, capacity units and weight units in Mesopotamia, Abstract, workshop CCQ, February 1, 2013
Michel Cécile & Proust Christine
♦ Computing with a device in early second millenium Mesopotamia : evidences in mathematical texts and attempts to reconstruct a sexagesimal abacus, Abstract, seminar Practices, June 12, 2013
♦ Transliterating and translating numbers and quantities in editions of cuneiform texts, Abstract, conference Shaping Science, June 17, 2013
Middeke-Conlin Robert
♦ Creative accounting: Anomalies in bookkeeping during the Old Babylonian period, Abstract, seminar HMHEFP, February 3, 2012
♦ The Nazbalum in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia: A Concrete Number or Administrative Tool Abstract
♦ Tabular Mathematic Texts from Ur and Elsewhere in the Old Babylonian Period, Abstract, seminar HPM, Octobre 15, 2013
♦ Error and Uncertainty in Ancient Texts, Abstract, seminar HPM, January 13, 2014
♦ Estimation and Observation: A study of two Old Babylonian tabular administrative documents, Abstract, Joint Workshop CSMC-SAW, May 8, 2014
♦ Estimating volume: Methods for assessing volume exhibited and suggested in two Old Babylonian tabular administrative texts, Abstract, workshop Math & Realia, June 26, 2015
♦ Errors, Mistakes, and Evidence for a Counting Device, Abstract, conference Mistakes, May 3, 2016
Mimura Taro
♦ Summary of the Almagest: Another Astronomical Tradition in the Days of Naṣīr Dīn Ṭūsī and its Significance in the History of Solving Problems Concerning the Diurnal Motions, Abstract, seminar MPAS, February 21, 2014
♦ The Formation of Zījs in the Integration of Indian and Greek Mathematical Tools, Abstract, conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
Minkowski Christopher
♦ The Treatise of the Sun and Fitzedward Hall’s Edition, Abstract, conference Shaping Science, June 20, 2013
♦ The sense of history in Indian astronomical texts, Abstract, seminar Historiography, November 13, 2015
Mizuno Hiromi
♦ When Cultural History Meets Mathematics: wasan and Yoshio Mikamit, Abstract, seminar Historiography, January 22, 2016
♦ Mikami Yoshio: From the philosophy of mathematics to cultural history of mathematics, and finally scholarly history of mathematics in China, Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Montelle Clemency
♦ The mathematics underlying parallax in Sanskrit sources, Abstract, seminar MPAS, March 14, 2014
♦ How to compute planetary latitudes: an unusual mathematical approach in a Sanskrit commentary, Abstract, seminar MPAS, March 21, 2014
♦ Unveiling the Layers of Āmarāja’s commentary on Brahmagupta’s sines, Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, January 30, 2015
♦ Determining the declination: Some reflections on trigonometry in the Sanskrit astral sciences, Abstract, seminar HPM, February 9, 2015
♦ What can numerical data reveal about approximation? Trigonometry and the associated interpolation rules in Brahmagupta’s Khaṇḍakhādyaka, Abstract, conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
Morel Thomas
♦ Les unités de mesure en géométrie souterraine (XVIe-XVIIIe) / Subterranean geometry and its measurement units (16th-18th centuries), Résumé – Abstract, seminar HPM, April 4, 2016
Morgan Daniel
♦ Lodging Complaints: the Perplexities of the 28 Zodiacal xiu in Early Chinese Sources, Abstract, seminar MPAS, January 17, 2014
♦ Introduction to the Procedures of Early Chinese Mathematical Astronomy: The Luminous Inception system of 237 CE, Abstract, seminar RMT, January 29 and February 19, 2014
♦ Sphere Confusion: The Textual Reconstruction of First-millennium hun Instruments, Abstract, Handout, HSHT 3-day-meeting, February 5, 2015
♦ By Process of Elimination: Further Remarks on the Operation chu 除 in Early Imperial Mathematical Astronomy, Abstract, conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
♦ Reflections upon the Presentation of Parallel Algorithms Across the Astral and Mathematical Sciences in First-Millennium China, Abstract, Int’l conference Xi’an, August 23, 2015
♦ What can you do with a Calendar? Extracting Facts, Stories, and Information otherwise pertinent to your own Field from a Table of Dates, Abstract, seminar HSHT, November 25, 2015
♦ A Sphere unto Itself: the Death and Medieval Framing of the History of Chinese Cosmography, Abstract, seminar Historiography, January 22, 2016
♦ Shu shu 數術 : When an actor’s category became an observer’s category, why, and what we can do about it, Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Morgan Daniel & Levinovitz Alan
♦ Virtue on Trial: Ritual Archery Competitions and Astronomical Testing in Early China, Abstract, conference Rituals, June 7, 2016
Most Glenn
♦ What is a Critical Edition? Historical and Methodological Reflections, Abstract, conference Shaping Science, June 18, 2013
Moyon Marc & Spiesser Maryvonne
♦ Surface de rectangles et unités de mesure chez Léonard de Pise (13e siècle) / Rectangular Surfaces and Units of Measurement with Leonardo of Pisa (13th century), Résumé – Abstract, seminar HPM, April 4, 2016
N – ⇑
Netz Reviel
♦ Reduction of Absurdity? Publishing the Diagrams of Indirect Proof, Abstract, conference Shaping Science, June 17, 2013
♦ The scale of ancient culture, Abstract, seminar HSHT, June 9, 2016
♦ The Mathematical Cultures of Greek Culture, Abstract, seminar Practices, June 20, 2016
Nicolet Grégoire
♦ A mathematical class at ‘Chantier K’ in Mari, Abstract, workshop Math & Realia, June 26, 2015
Nothaft Philipp
♦ Calendar Reform in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries: Problems and Perspectives, Abstract, conference Rituals, June 7, 2016
O – ⇑
Ossendrijver Mathieu
♦ Mathematical terminology in Babylonian astronomical texts, Presentation, seminar HMHEFP, June 15, 2012
♦ Babylonian astronomy – editing and interpreting an ancient science, Abstract, conference Shaping Science, June 20, 2013
♦ Two challenging Late Babylonian procedure texts for constructing a gnomon, Handout, February 12, 2014
♦ Astronomical tables of the spread sheet type, Abstract, HSHT 3-day-meeting, February 19, 2015
♦ Mathematical Reasoning in a Late-Babylonian Commentary to Enuma Anu Enlil Tablet 14, Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, February 20, 2015
♦ Arithmetical progressions and geometrical reasoning in Babylonian schemes for Jupiter’s daily motion: Babylonian astronomy and mathematics: two disciplines, one methodology? Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, March 6, 2015
♦ Mathematical Practices in the Rēš temple, Abstract, conference Uruk, March 23, 2015
♦ Mathematical Practices in Late Babylonian Mathematical Astronomy, Abstract, conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
P – ⇑
Perez Liliane
♦ Artisans’ accounting practices and operations skills in the 18th century, Abstract, seminar HMHEFP, January 6, 2012
Petrocchi Alessandra
♦ Coins, seeds, and units of weight in the Arthaśāstra and in the commentary Kriyākramakarī Abstract
Petrocchi Alessandra & Singh Catherine
♦ About measuring units in different kinds of Prakrit and Sanskrit sources, Abstract, workshop CCQ, March 1, 2013
Plofker Kim
♦ The Suryagrahana of Muhammad Shah: Foreign mathematical tools in a study of solar eclipses, Abstract, seminar MPAS, June 20, 2014
Pollock Sheldon
♦ A Theory of Philological Practice in Early Modern India, Abstract, conference Shaping Science, June 19, 2013
Preisendanz Karin
♦ Text Segmentation, Chapter Naming and the Transmission of Embedded Texts in the Indian Medical and Philosophical Traditions: The Cases of the Carakasamhita and the Nyayasutra, Presentation, seminar HSHT, May 10, 2012
♦ Editing a Foundational Work on Classical Indian Medicine: The Printed Editions of the Carakasaṃhitā in Context, Abstract, conference Shaping Science, June 21, 2013
Proust Christine
♦ Le principe de position dans les textes mathématiques cunéiformes, Outline, seminar HMHEFP, January 6, 2012
♦ The use of language in mathematical texts: Writing styles specific to some schools, Outline Handout, seminar HPM, April 2, 2012
♦ Bricks as units of volume: Reference texts and problems, Abstract, seminar HMHEFP, April 6, 2012
♦ Shaping numbers and units of measure: some evidences in Early-Dynastic tables of surfaces from Southern Mesopotamia (mid-third millennium BCE) Abstract
♦ Colophons in mathematical cuneiform texts as indicators of the pragmatic status of texts, Abstract, Joint Workshop CSMC-SAW, May 8, 2014
♦ Economic problems in cuneiform mathematical texts: an example of a list of problems on buying and selling (YBC 4698), Abstract
♦ From land surveying to geometry: Kish school exercises, Abstract, seminar HMHEFP, May 11, 2012
♦ Tablette, section, ligne : découpages des textes dans les mathématiques cunéiformes, Abstract, , seminar HSHT, February 9, 2012
♦ Before and after the Sexagesimal Place Value Notation, Abstract, workshop CCQ, January 23, 2013
♦ Coefficient lists, Abstract, workshop CCQ, January 23, 2013
♦ The text YBC 4669 related to standards, Abstract, workshop CCQ, March 8, 2013
♦ Mémorisation des mathématiques dans les écoles de l’ancienne Babylone/ Memorizing mathematics in Old-Babylonian schools, Abstract, seminar HSHT, June 12, 2014
♦ Some false evidence on the relationship between masters and disciples in cuneiform mathematical texts, Abstract, ESHS 6th meeting, Lisboa, September 4th, 2014
♦ Contrasts and correspondences between different kinds of numbers and quantities: metrological tables from Late Babylonian Nippur and Uruk, Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, January 5, 2015
♦ Rule of three in Late Babylonian mathematical texts: regular / non regular numbers, reciprocals and approximation, Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, February 15, 2015
♦ Procedures in Late Babylonian mathematical texts from Uruk: conversions, arithmetical and geometrical progressions, Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, March 6, 2015
♦ Mathematical texts from the “House of āšipus” in Uruk, Abstract, conference Uruk, March 23, 2015
♦ Making equivalent volume, brickage and capacity in Old Babylonian mathematical texts, Abstract, workshop Math & Realia, June 26, 2015
♦ Steps without meaning in Old Babylonian mathematical procedures, Abstract, int’l conf, Xian, August 23, 2015
♦ How thought shapes language: a brief historiographical overview and some examples selected among mathematical cuneiform texts from late Old Babylonian period, Abstract, seminar HSHT, February 11, 2016
♦ Cultures of quantification: multiple ways of evaluating surfaces in Mesopotamia, Abstract, seminar Practices, March 2, 2016
♦ Numbers, quantities and magnitudes in mathematical cuneiform texts: historiographical and historical approaches, Abstract, Mainz, July 30, 2016
♦ David Eugene Smith and the writing of the history of mathematics: number stories, Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Proust Christine & Ouyang Xiaoli
♦ Marginal Numbers and the Sexagesimal Place Value Notation in Mesopotamia during the Ur III Period (c. 2112-2004 BCE) Abstract
Q – ⇑
Qu Anjing
♦ Numerical Algorithm System in Ancient China, Abstract, seminar MPAS, March 14, 2014
♦ Planetary Theory in Ancient China, Abstract, seminar MPAS, March 21, 2014
R – ⇑
Rabault Pascale
♦ Oriental languages and the development of comparative linguistics in the 19th century, Abstract, seminar Historiography, May 12, 2016
Rabouin David
♦ Wallis as an historian of Algebra, Abstract, seminar Historiography, November 13, 2015
Raggetti Lucia
♦ Divinare oportet, non legere. Identification and Interpretation of Errors in Arabic Manuscripts on Natural Sciences, Abstract, conference Mistakes, May 3 , 2016
Raina Dhruv
♦ The `Analytics’ and the Indologists: How the history of mathematics shaped mathematics education in Nineteenth Century India?, Abstract, seminar Historiography, February 19, 2016
♦ The Translation of Sanskrit and English Mathematical Works: The Relationship between the History and Contemporaneity of Mathematics in Nineteenth Century India and England, Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Ramasubramanian K.
♦ Glimpses of Karanapaddhati: A unique astronomical treatise, Abstract, seminar MPAS, April 11, 2014
Ramirez Ogando Alfredo Grodecz
♦ Where are the leap days in the Mesoamerican calendar? Abstract, seminar MPAS, March 21, 2014
Raphals Lisa
♦ Which Cycles?: Early Chinese Representations of Cycles in the Astral sciences, Abstract, seminar MPAS, April 11, 2014
Rheinberger Hans-Jörg
♦ Glimpses into the Space Between Laboratory and Discipline, Abstract, seminar Practices, March 2, 2016
Rochberg Francesca
♦ The Ancient Astral Sciences of Babylonia and the Greco-Latin World: Highways and Byways of Comparison, Abstract, seminar Historiography, May 20, 2016
♦ The Historiography of Ancient Exact Sciences and the Demarcation Problem, Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Rossi Corinna
♦ Ancient Egypt: Planning and cutting the royal tombs in the Valley of the Kings, Presentation, seminar HMHEFP, April 6, 2012
Rost Stephanie
♦ The administration of irrigation systems in the Umma province of the Ur III state (2112-2004 B.C.), Abstract, workshop Math & Realia, June 26, 2015
Rowe David
♦ Göttingen in Wartime : Felix Klein’s Lectures on the History of 19th-Century Mathematics as a Communal Project, Abstract, seminar HSHT, November 17, 2011
♦ A Communal Project in Göttingen: On the Evolution of Felix Klein’s Lectures on the History of 19th-Century Mathematics, Abstract, seminar HSHT, June 12, 2014
S – ⇑
Sammarchi Eleanora
♦ Les tableaux et leur règles de formation dans la tradition arithmético-algébrique. Quelques exemples selon la perspective d’al-Zanjani, Abstract, seminar HPM, October 15, 2013
♦ Mistakes and «false mistakes» in Arabic manuscripts on algebra : a case study, Abstract, conference Mistakes, May 2, 2016
Sauvage Martin
♦ Mathematical computations in the management of public works in Mesopotamia (end of the 3rd and beginning of the 2nd millennium BCE), Abstract Presentation, seminar HMHEFP, April 6, 2012
Schmitt Stéphane
♦ Les index et tables alphabétiques dans l’Histoire naturelle et leurs fonctions, Abstract, seminar HSHT, October 21, 2011
♦ The significance of ancient and medieval knowledge in Buffon and his collaborators, Abstract, seminar HSHT, November 15, 2012
Schneider Martina
♦ Dealing with Cultural Diversity in the History of Mathematics: The Case of Moritz Cantor, Abstract, San Francisco, November 22, 2016
♦ History of (ancient) mathematics in the German biographical lexicon ADB, Abstract, seminar HSHT, April 14, 2016
Schneider Martina & Chaigneau Pierre
♦ Chaldean/Babylonian mathematics according to Hankel and Cantor, Abstract, seminar Historiography, December 18, 2015
Schneider Martina & Chemla Karine
♦ The reception of Alexander Wylie’s Jottings on the science of the Chinese. Arithmetic in Europe in the 19th and early 20th centuries, Abstract, seminar Historiography, January 22, 2016
♦ The reception of Alexander Wylie’s Jottings on the science of the Chinese. Arithmetic in Europe in the 19th century, Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Sekimoto Noriko
♦ Weight and Measures system and its regional diversification in Vietnam during the Colonial Period, Abstract, seminar Practices, May 22, 2013
Shaw Wendy
♦ Intersecting Narratives, Interpolating Collections: the Museum of Islamic Art, Berlin, Abstract, seminar HSHT, April 16, 2015
Shnider Steve
♦ Mathematical modeling in Babylonian lunar theory according to John Britton, Abstract, seminar MPAS, March 21, 2014
♦ Difference schemes and their relation to interpolation rules in Babylonian lunar ephemerides, Abstract, conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
Sialaros Michalis
♦ Shaping ‘our’ Euclid: a parallel examination of the critical editions of the Elements and the Data (by J. L. Heiberg and H. Menge, respectively), Abstract, conference Shaping Science, June 18, 2013
Sidoli Nathan
♦ The use of physical devices to do computation. Selections from Ptolemy’s Analemma, and Heron’s Dioptra 35, Abstract, HSHT 3-day-meeting, February 5, 2015
♦ Episodes in Greek Trigonometry, Abstract, seminar HPM, February 9, 2015
♦ Ptolemy’s approximation techniques to compute the ratio of the epicycle of planets. Selections from Almagest X.6-7, Abstract, handout, 3-month workshop MPAS, February 27, 2015
♦ Geometrical analysis and trigonometry in Greco-Roman mathematics, Abstract, conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
Smadja Ivahn
♦ More on Brahmagupta in Germany : Which Quadrilaterals ? Which Proofs ? Abstract, seminar HPM, June 30, 2014
♦ History of Mathematics, the Crisis of the European Sciences and the Humboldtian Tradition, Abstract, HSS annual meeting, San Francisco, November 22, 2015
♦ Crossing Borders: Henry Thomas Colebrooke and his European readers, Abstract, seminar Historiography, January 8, 2016
♦ On Two Conjectures That Shaped the Historiography of Indeterminate Analysis : Strachey and Chasles on Sanskrit Sources, Abstract, seminar HPM, March 3, 2016
♦ Making Sense of Brahmagupta: European Selves in the Mirror of Ancient Sanskrit Mathematical Sources, Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Smith Justin
♦ What Do Historians of Philosophy Study? Some Methodological Problems in Defining a Corpus without Boundaries, Abstract, seminar Historiography, June 29, 2015
♦ The ‘Hard Problem’ of Comparative Intellectual History: The Case of Europe and India, Abstract, seminar Historiography, May 20, 2016
Smith Pamela
♦ Why write a book? Artisanal experience and the written word in early modern Europe, Abstract, seminar HSHT, January 19, 2012
Solares Pineda Diana
♦ Le calcul et les nombres écrits, un espace de tension entre des travailleurs agricoles,Calculation and numerical writings, a space of conflict between agricultural workers, Résumé/Abstract, seminar Practices, May 4, 2016
Soler Lena
♦ Etudier les pratiques scientifiques : étudier quoi ? A la place de quoi ? Abstract, seminar Practices, February 8, 2012
Sørensen Henrik Kragh
♦ Appropriating role models for the mathematical profession: Biographies in the American Mathematical Monthly around 1900, Abstract, seminar HSHT, May 12, 2016
Staack Thies
♦ Legal Manuscripts from Tombs: Some Reflections on their Possible Compilation, Use and Function, Abstract, seminar HSHT, November 25, 2015
Steele John
♦ Description, Calculation, Measurement: Different Uses of Numbers and Quantities in Babylonian Astronomy, Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, January 5, 2015
♦ Numbers and Units in Babylonian astronomy: The Case of the Rising Time Schemes and the Ziqpu-Star Texts, Abstract, 3-month workshop MPAS, January 16, 2015
♦ Astronomical Activity in the ‘House of the āšipus’ in Uruk, Abstract, conference Uruk, March 23, 2015
♦ Babylonian Shadow-Length Schemes: Between Mathematics and Astronomy, Abstract, conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
♦ Description, Calculation, Measurement: Different Uses of Numbers and Quantities in Babylonian Astronomy, Abstract, seminar Historiography, December 18, 2015
Steingart Alma
♦ The Cold War Antiquities: Histories of Mathematics in the Postwar United States, Abstract, seminar historiography, February 19, 2016
T – ⇑
Tatarchenko Ksenia
♦ Old Truths for Tomorrow: Sketching Professional, Popular and Amateur Histories of Ancient Mathematics in the Soviet Union, Abstract, seminar Historiography, February 19, 2016
♦ OOld Truths for Tomorrow: Cold War Computing, Disciplinary Myth-making, and the Histories of Ancient Mathematics in the Soviet Union, Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Teshima Hideki
♦ Vedic Measure System and Its Application in the Ritual Field, Abstract, conference Rituals, June 8, 2016
Thote Alain
♦ Les manuscrits de la région de Jingzhou au IIe s. avant notre ère : contexte archéologique, Résumé, seminar HSHT, November 25, 2015
Tian Miao
♦ Western and Chinese Algebraic Methods in 19th Century Chinese Historical Works, Abstract, seminar HPM, January 11, 2016
♦ Historical study and the Practices of mathematics in 18th and 19th century China, Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Tihon Anne
♦ An astronomical syntax, based on Hipparchus: the Papyrus Fouad inv 267 A, Abstract, seminar MPAS, December 19, 2014
Timmerman Anke
♦ Speaking volumes : a critical look at the History of Alchemy and its manuscript sources, Abstract, seminar Practices, June 12, 2013
Tolsa Christian
♦ Ptolemy’s bridge between mathematical astronomy and Platonic philosophy, Abstract, seminar MPAS, November 14, 2014
V – ⇑
Valente Stefano
♦ Mercury, silver, or just the Moon? On some misinterpretations and errors in Byzantine alchemical manuscripts, Abstract, conference Mistakes, May 2, 2016
Van Brummelen Glenn
♦ Precision and Approximation in Ancient Greek and Medieval Islamic Mathematical Astronomy, Abstract, seminar MPAS, June 20, 2014
♦ Al-Kashi’s Two Methods of Determining sin(1 degree): Finding Roots and Changing Paths, Abstract, conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
Vandendriessche Eric
♦ The ’elementary operations’ of the string figures algorithms, Abstract, seminar HSHT, November 14, 2011
♦ Estimations des quantités d’ignames dans les îles Trobrian / Estimating quantities of yams in the Trobriand Islands, Résumé – Abstract, seminar HPM, April 4, 2016
♦ Lévy-Bruhl’s theory on ‘prelogical mentality’ and its influence on the field of history and philosophy of science, Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Vander Linden Marc
♦ Archaeological culture, material culture or culture? Material and anthropological dimensions of a debated concept, Abstract, seminar Practices, May 4, 2016
Vlahakis George
♦ Greeks on Hellenes, Ancient Greek scientific texts critically edited in 18th-19th century Greece, Abstract, conference Shaping Science, June 21, 2013
W – ⇑
Wagner Donald B.
♦ Mathematics and the planning of public works in China, Han to Yuan, Presentation Handout, seminar HMHEFP, April 6, 2012
Wang Xiaofei
♦ The reform of measurements and weights in the French Revolution and the changes in teaching arithmetic, Abstract, seminar Historiography, April 15, 2016
Wang Xiaohu
♦ Simulating Clepsydra: Two Methods of Time Measurement for Military in Ancient China, Abstract,
conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
Watson Rita
♦ Writing, Theory, and Conceptual Change, Abstract, seminar HSHT, February 20, 2014
♦ A Cognitive Perspective on a Babylonian Astronomical Text, Abstract, seminar MPAS, February 21, 2014
Wee John
♦ A Choice of Microcosms: Dodekatemoria Models and the Calendar Text System, Abstract, seminar MPAS, October 17, 2014
Weijers Olga
♦ The practice of knowledge in the Medieval universities, Abstract, seminar Practices, April 11, 2012
Wilden Eva
♦ Text, pretext, paratext — commentaries in manuscripts of the Tamil literary-grammatical tradition, Abstract, seminar HSHT, November 13, 2014
Wu Yan
♦ The Issue of Calendar Era in the Context of the Formation of National Awareness in Modern China, Abstract, seminar Historiography, June 17, 2016
♦ The Replacement of Traditional Ceremonies in the Process of the Movement for “Abolishing the Traditional Calendar and Promoting the National Calendar”: Focusing on the Memorial Day of the Birth of Confucius, Abstract, conference Rituals, June 8, 2016
Y – ⇑
Yano Michio
♦ Traditional Indian calendar — living and changing, Abstract, workshop Calendars, December 9, 2011
♦ Indian elements of al-Khwarizmi’s astronomy, Abstract, seminar HPM, May 19, 2014
♦ Astral sciences and rituals in India with reference to ayana, Abstract, exploratory workshop Rituals, March 19, 2015
♦ Geometrical model and observation in Indian astronomy, Abstract, conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
♦ Astrology and rituals in India – with special references to the Muhūrtacintāmaṇi, Abstract, conference Rituals, June 7, 2016
Z – ⇑
Zheng Cheng & Zhu Yiwen
♦ The First Printed Edition of Mathematical Treatise in Nine Sections (Shushu jiuzhang 數書九章 ) and the Text Criticism during 17th to 19th century , Abstract, conference Shaping Science, June 17, 2013
Zhou Xiaohan
♦ How Did Chinese scholars treat the Western mathematical procedures and their similar traditional methods: A case Study on the double false position method in the early 17th century, Abstract, seminar HPM, February 15th, 2016
♦ Mathematical knowledge and the books in which it was printed–Examining mathematics in the Ming dynasty (1368-1644 CE) from the perspective of printing, Abstract, seminar HSHT, May 12th, 2016
♦ Diverse scholars’ Ways of dealing with the “Method Duoji” (Duoji Shu) in 19th and 20th China, Abstract, conference Historiography, October 24-28, 2016
Zhou Xiaohan & Chen Zhihui
♦ Establishing the orthodox: Writing and editing biographies of practitioners in the mathematical sciences in Chinese Qing Dynasty – 塑造传统:中国清代对畴人传记的编写, Abstract, seminar HSHT, April 14, 2016
Zhu Yiwen
♦ Different mathematical cultures in Tang time period as revealed by the treatment of measured quantities, Abstract, EACS 19th conference, September 4, 2012
♦ The Way of Writing Treatises on Harmonics and Calendars(Lü Li zhi 律曆志) in 7th century China, Abstract, workshop Li Chunfeng, November 29, 2012
♦ Another Culture of Computation from 7th century China Abstract
♦ Moving counting rods into text: The change of language and content of Chinese mathematics Presentation
♦ Positions of counting rods in ancient China, Abstract, seminar HMHEF, January 6, 2012
♦ Differentiate different numbers and present processes in manuscript and block-printed cultures, Abstract, seminar HSHT, April 25, 2013
♦ The Use of a traditional method (Fangcheng) in Calendric Calculations in ancient China, Abstract, seminar MPAS, April 11, 2014
♦ Commentaries on ritual numbers through different mathematical knowledges in 7th century China, Abstract, exploratory workshop Rituals, March 20, 2015
♦ Uncovering Astronomical Procedures Using Counting-diagrams: The Case of Qin Jiushao’s Writing on Chinese Remainder Theorem, Abstract, conference MPAS, March 28-31, 2015
♦ Commentaries on numbers of ritual through different mathematical knowledges in seventh century China, Abstract, conference Rituals, June 8, 2016
Zou Dahai & Chen Wei
♦ Methods for the calculation of fields and the land system in the middle ancient period of China: The impact of equal-field system on land surveying, Abstract, seminar, May 11, 2012
Zysk Kenneth
♦ Numerical Physiognomy in Ancient India, Abstract, seminar MPAS, December 14, 2014