Seminar History and Philosophy of Mathematics, 2011-2016

Every academic year, the SAW project has been organising sessions in the context of the general seminar “History and Philosophy of mathematics” of the research group SPHERE. The topics chosen for these sessions were related to the main issues addressed in the context of the SAW project at the time.

In 2015-2016, SAW will organize four sessions of the HPM seminar as follows (pdf version) :

December 14, 2015Publishing complete works of mathematicians in 19th-century Europe
Emmylou Haffner, Quelques remarques sur l’édition des Gesammelte Werke de Riemann par Dedekind et Weber/Some remarks on Dedekind and Weber’s edition of Riemann’s Gesammelte Werke
Maarten Bullynck, The edition of Gauss’ works and Goettingen’s self-portrayal/Die Gauss-Edition als Projektionsflaeche Goettingischer Selbstdarstellung
Christoph Eckes, Autour de la publication des œuvres complètes de Hermann Minkowski par David Hilbert, Andreas Speiser et Hermann Weyl

January 11, 2016History of the historiography of algebra
Jens Høyrup, What is “geometric algebra”, and what has it been in historiography?
TIAN Miao, Western and Chinese Algebraic Methods in 19th Century Chinese Historical Works
Marie-José Durand-Richard, The English algebraists’ view of historiography of algebra
Simon Decaens, The history of American abstract algebra, two accounts by E. T. Bell and G. Birkhoff

March 7, 2016 History of the historiography of indeterminate analysis
Ivahn Smadja, On Two Conjectures That Shaped the Historiography of Indeterminate Analysis : Strachey and Chasles on Sanskrit Sources
Karine Chemla, Remarks on the historiography of the Chinese remainder theorem in the 19th and 20th century
Agathe Keller, Unravelling Libbrecht’s kuṭṭaka

April 4, 2016 – Measurement units in the history of mathematics and beyond
Thomas Morel, Les unités de mesure en géométrie souterraine (XVIe-XVIIIe) / Subterranean geometry and its measurement units (16th–18th centuries)
Charlotte de Varent, Apports de la diversité de systèmes métrologiques anciens à l’enseignement aujourd’hui: réflexion croisée avec les manuels scolaires de CM2 / Contributions of ancient metrological systems’ diversity to the teaching of today: comparative reflections with elementary textbooks from the fifth grade
Marc Moyon & Maryvonne Spiesser, Surface de rectangles et unités de mesure chez Léonard de Pise (13e siècle) / Rectangular Surfaces and Units of Measurement with Leonardo of Pisa (13th century)
Eric Vandendriessche, Estimations des quantités d’ignames dans les îles Trobriand / Estimating quantities of yams in the Trobriand Islands

The detailed programme of the full seminar year is online on the research group SPHERE site.

On page 2 : previous academic years’ programmes