Organisation : Agathe Keller et l’ensemble du groupe Lecture de Textes Mathématiques Anciens du laboratoire SPHERE
Université Paris Diderot, Bâtiment Condorcet
10 rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet 75013 Paris,
de 14h à 17h – salle 734A Gris – Plan et accès ici.
From October 2018 to June 2019
Session 1 – October 8th, 2018
PAN Shuyuan (SPHERE and Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, Beijing).
A Chinese Version of Rule of Three Just Before the European Method was Introduced: Reading a paragraph in Comprehensive Source of Mathematical Methods (Suanfa tongzong, 1592)
Session 2 – November 12th, 2018
Catherine Morice-Singh (SPHERE, Université Paris Diderot)
Autour du kuṭṭaka chez Māhavīra
Session 3 – December 3rd, 2018
Christine Proust (SPHERE, Université Paris Diderot)
La collection Schoyen, le pillage des antiquités en temps de guerre, et les problèmes éthiques: que faire avec des sources qui bouleversent l’histoire des mathématiques? Lecture du texte mathématique cunéiforme MS 3971
A special Session – December 12th, 2018
Clemency Montelle (University of Canterbury)
The Parvadvayasādhana of Mallāri: A short treatise for computing eclipse phenomenaThe Parvadvayasādhana of Mallāri is a short text composed in the late 16th century for computing the circumstances and features of lunar and solar eclipses. The text is made up almost entirely of versified numerical data, however most manuscript copies include graphical tables alongside the verses. We consider this feature of the work, and many others: the underlying algorithms and their connection to other authors, the way in which metrological units are expressed, and the accompanying commentaries to this text which include historical worked examples with diagrams illustrating the progress of the eclipse.
Session 4 – January 21st, 2019
Laure Miolo (Observatoire de Paris)
Les calculs d’éclipses de Jean de Gênes: le cas de l’éclipse solaire de mars 1337/John of Genoa’s eclipse computations: the case of the Solar eclipse of March 1337
Session 5 – February 18th, 2019) (two sessions: morning and afternoon !)
Morning 9h30-12h30. Eleonora Sammarchi (SPHERE, Université Paris Diderot)
Nombres et quantités algébriques dans l’arithmétique-algèbre d’al-Zanjānī (et al-Karajī)
Afternoon 14h-17h. Karine Chemla (SPHERE, Université Paris Diderot)
Figures fondamentales en Chine ancienne/ Fundamental figures in Ancient China
Session 6 – March 18th, 2019 (two sessions: morning and afternoon !)
Morning 9h30-12h30. Adeline Reynaud (SPHERE, Université Paris Diderot)
Un trapèze aux dimensions impossibles ou un quadrilatère irrégulier considéré comme un trapèze ? Une lecture du texte-procédure YBC 4675
A trapezium with impossible dimensions, or an irregular quadrilateral treated as a trapezium ? Reading the Old-Babylonian procedure-text YBC 4675
Afternoon 14h-17h. Mathieu Ossendrijver (TOPOI, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin),
On late babylonian mathematical texts
Session 7 – April 1st, 2019
Agathe Keller (SPHERE, CNRS et Université Paris Diderot)
Une règle et sa demonstration: des suites géométriques par Pṛthūdhaka
A rule and its proof: a discussion by Pṛthūdaka on geometrical progressions
Session 8 – May 20th, 2019 (room Dali 240A at Condorcet)
P. M. Vrinda (G. U. P. S. Pathappiriyam, Inde)
The method of squaring as described in Śaṅkara Vāriyar’s Kriyākramakarī a sixteenth century Sanskrit commentary on the Līlāvatī
Session 9 – June 17th, 2019 (room Dali 240A at Condorcet)
Alexis Trouillot (SPHERE, Université Paris Diderot)
Two sexes and two sets of fractions: a Mauritanian fatwa on inheritance
Jambugahapitiye Dhammaloka «Bhante» (University of Canterbury, UK)
Reconstructing algorithmic procedures involving fractions in the Gaṇitatilaka, a 11th cent. CE Sanskrit mathematical text
Session 10 – June 18th, 2019 (room Gris 734A at Condorcet)
13h -16h
Daniel Mansfield (University of New South Wales, Australia)
Old Babylonian cadastral surveying and Pythagorean rectangles: reading Si.427 and rereading Plimpton 322
Les programmes des années précédentes sont ici et pour le séminaire de mai 2018 sur Ptolémée, c’est là.
The previous academic year’s programmes are here and for the seminar on Ptolémée in May 2018, there.